
ver. 2.20.110
Copyright (c) 2022 Nyuma
- Overview -
I made this software for the purpose of enjoying artistic programming easily.
This software uses "OpenSiv3D" and "AngelScript". You can check the license with F12.
The copyright is owned by the author, Nyuma. This software has an expiry date.
Distribution is permitted. Modifications are not permitted.
- Notice -
In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim,
damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from,
out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double sourceRadius
double r
double direction
double angle
bool randomDirection
bool fromShell
- Object Method -
ArcEmitter2D(const ArcEmitter2D&in)
Emission2D emit(const Vec2&, double)
void drawDebug(const Vec2&)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
bool f(int&in, bool&out)
Array<T>@ f(int&in)
Array<T>@ f(int&in, uint length) explicit
Array<T>@ f(int&in, uint length, const T &in value)
Array<T>@ f(int&in type, int&in list) {repeat T}
int f()
bool f()
Array<T> &opAssign(const Array<T>&in)
T &opIndex(uint index)
const T &opIndex(uint index) const
Array<T> &opShl(const T&in)
T& choice()
const T& choice() const
T &front()
const T &front() const
T &back()
const T &back() const
uint size() const
bool empty() const
bool isEmpty() const
void reserve(uint length)
void resize(uint length)
void push_front(const T&in)
void push_back(const T&in)
void pop_front()
void pop_back()
void clear()
void insert(uint index, const T&in value)
void insert(uint index, const Array<T>& arr)
void insertAt(uint index, const T&in value)
void insertAt(uint index, const Array<T>& arr)
void removeAt(uint index)
uint count() const
void sort()
void sortAsc()
void sortAsc(uint startAt, uint count)
void sortDesc()
void sortDesc(uint startAt, uint count)
void reverse()
int find(const T&in if_handle_then_const value) const
int find(uint startAt, const T&in if_handle_then_const value) const
int findByRef(const T&in if_handle_then_const value) const
int findByRef(uint startAt, const T&in if_handle_then_const value) const
void sort(const less &in, uint startAt = 0, uint count = uint(-1))
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Audio(const Audio& in)
Audio(const Wave& in) explicit
Audio(const Wave& in, bool loop)
Audio(const String& in) explicit
Audio(const String& in, bool loop)
Audio(AudioFileStreaming, const String& in) explicit
Audio(AudioFileStreaming, const String& in, bool loop)
void release()
bool isEmpty() const
bool isStreaming() const
uint32 sampleRate() const
size_t samples() const
double lengthSec() const
int64 samplesPlayed() const
bool isActive() const
bool isPlaying() const
bool isPaused() const
bool isLoop() const
void setLoop() const
void setLoopPoint(uint64) const
void setLoopPoint(const Duration& in) const
void play(MixBus busIndex = MixBus0) const
void play(const Duration& in, MixBus busIndex = MixBus0) const
void play(MixBus busIndex, const Duration& in) const
void pause() const
void pause(const Duration& in) const
void stop() const
void stop(const Duration& in) const
void playOneShot(MixBus busIndex, double volume = 1.0, double pan = 0.0, double speed = 1.0) const
void pauseAllShots() const
void pauseAllShots(const Duration& in) const
void resumeAllShots() const
void resumeAllShots(const Duration& in) const
void stopAllShots() const
void stopAllShots(const Duration& in) const
int64 posSample() const
double posSec() const
void seekSamples(size_t) const
void seekTime(double) const
void seekTime(const Duration& in) const
size_t loopCount() const
double getVolume() const
const Audio& setVolume(double) const
const Audio& fadeVolume(double, const Duration& in) const
double getPan() const
const Audio& setPan(double) const
const Audio& fadePan(double, const Duration& in) const
double getSpeed() const
const Audio& setSpeed(double) const
const Audio& fadeSpeed(double, const Duration& in) const
const Audio& setSpeedBySemitone(int32) const
const Audio& fadeSpeedBySemitone(int32, const Duration& in) const
void swap(Audio& inout)
- Global Property -
const AudioFileStreaming Stream
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool Register(const String&in)
bool Register(const String&in, const String&in)
bool Register(const String&in, AudioFileStreaming, const String&in)
bool Register(const String&in, AudioFileStreaming, const String&in, bool)
bool IsRegistered(const String&in)
bool Load(const String&in)
void LoadAsync(const String&in)
void Wait(const String&in)
bool IsReady(const String&in)
void Release(const String&in)
void ReleaseAll()
void Unregister(const String&in)
void UnregisterAll()
Audio Data(const String&in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 p0
Vec2 p1
Vec2 p2
- Object Method -
Bezier2(const Bezier2 &in)
Bezier2(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Vec2& p(size_t)
const Vec2& p(size_t) const
Vec2 point(size_t) const
Vec2 getPos(double) const
Vec2 getTangent(double) const
LineString getLineString(int32 quality = 24) const
LineString getLineString(double start, double end, int32 quality = 24) const
RectF boundingRect() const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
const Bezier2& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White, int32 quality = 24) const
const Bezier2& draw(double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White, int32 quality = 24) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 p0
Vec2 p1
Vec2 p2
Vec2 p3
- Object Method -
Bezier3(const Bezier3 &in)
Bezier3(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Vec2& p(size_t)
const Vec2& p(size_t) const
Vec2 point(size_t) const
Vec2 getPos(double) const
Vec2 getTangent(double) const
LineString getLineString(int32 quality = 24) const
LineString getLineString(double start, double end, int32 quality = 24) const
RectF boundingRect() const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
const Bezier2& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White, int32 quality = 24) const
const Bezier2& draw(double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White, int32 quality = 24) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Camera2D(const Camera2D& in) explicit
void setCenter(Vec2)
const Vec2& getCenter() const
void setScale(double)
double getScale() const
RectF getRegion(Point renderTargetSize = Graphics2D::GetRenderTargetSize()) const
Mat3x2 getMat3x2(Point renderTargetSize = Graphics2D::GetRenderTargetSize()) const
void setTargetCenter(Vec2)
const Vec2& getTargetCenter() const
void setTargetScale(double)
double getTargetScale() const
void jumpTo(Vec2 center, double scale)
void draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Transformer2D@ createTransformer() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Char (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool IsASCII(uint32)
bool IsDigit(uint32)
bool IsLower(uint32)
bool IsUpper(uint32)
char32 ToLower(uint32)
char32 ToUpper(uint32)
bool IsAlpha(uint32)
bool IsAlnum(uint32)
bool IsXdigit(uint32)
bool IsControl(uint32)
bool IsBlank(uint32)
bool IsSpace(uint32)
bool IsPrint(uint32)
int32 CaseInsensitiveCompare(uint32, uint32)
bool CaseInsensitiveEquals(uint32, uint32)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
double r
Vec2 center
- Object Method -
Circle(const Circle& in)
Circle(double) explicit
Circle(double, double, double)
Circle(const Vec2& in, double)
Circle& set(double, double, double)
Circle& set(Vec2, double)
Circle& set(const Circle& in)
Circle& setCenter(double, double)
Circle& setCenter(Vec2)
Circle& setPos(double, double)
Circle& setPos(Vec2)
Circle& setR(double r)
Circle movedBy(double, double) const
Circle movedBy(Vec2) const
Circle& moveBy(double, double)
Circle& moveBy(Vec2)
Circle stretched(double) const
Ellipse stretched(double, double) const
Circle scaled(double) const
Ellipse scaled(double, double) const
Vec2 top() const
Vec2 right() const
Vec2 bottom() const
Vec2 left() const
Line horizontalDiameter() const
Line verticalDiameter() const
double area() const
double perimeter() const
RectF boundingRect() const
Vec2 getPointByAngle(double) const
Polygon asPolygon(uint32 quality = 24) const
Polygon pieAsPolygon(double, double, uint32 quality = 24) const
Polygon arcAsPolygon(double, double, double, double, uint32 quality = 24) const
Circle lerp(const Circle& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier3& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Line& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Circle& in) const
bool contains(const Ellipse& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool contains(const Polygon& in) const
bool contains(const LineString& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const Circle& draw(const ColorF&in color = Palette::White) const
const Circle& draw(const ColorF&in innerColor, const ColorF&in outerColor) const
const Circle& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Circle& drawFrame(double inner, double outer, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Circle& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in, bool antialiased = Antialiased::Yes) const
const Circle& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in, bool antialiased = Antialiased::Yes) const
Circle(Arg::center_Vec2, double)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double sourceRadius
double r
bool randomDirection
bool fromShell
- Object Method -
CircleEmitter2D(const CircleEmitter2D&in)
Emission2D emit(const Vec2&, double)
void drawDebug(const Vec2&)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double r
double theta
- Object Method -
Circular(const Circular &in)
Circular(double r, double theta)
Circular(const Vec2& in)
Circular rotated(double) const
Circular& rotate(double)
Float2 toFloat2() const
Vec2 toVec2() const
Float2 fastToFloat2() const
Vec2 fastToVec2() const
Vec2 toPosition() const
size_t hash() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
uint8 r
uint8 g
uint8 b
uint8 a
- Object Method -
Color(const Color& in)
Color(uint8 r, uint8 g, uint8 b, uint8 a = 255)
Color(uint8 rgb, uint8 a = 255) explicit
Color(const Color& in, uint8 a)
Color(const ColorF& in)
Color(const ColorF& in, uint8 a)
Color(const HSV& in)
Color(const HSV& in, uint8 a)
Color(const String& in) explicit
Color& setR(uint32 r)
Color& setG(uint32 g)
Color& setB(uint32 b)
Color& setA(uint32 a)
Color& setRGB(uint32 rgb)
Color& setRGB(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b)
Color& set(uint32 rgb, uint32 a = 255)
Color& set(uint32 r, uint32 g, uint32 b, uint32 a = 255)
Color& set(Color)
Color withAlpha(uint32 a)
uint8 grayscale0_255() const
double grayscale() const
uint8 minRGBComponent() const
uint8 maxRGBComponent() const
uint8 minComponent() const
uint8 maxComponent() const
uint32 asUint32() const
Color lerp(Color, double) const
Color gamma(double) const
ColorF removeSRGBCurve() const
ColorF applySRGBCurve() const
String toHex() const
size_t hash() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Color Zero()
uint8 ToUint8(float)
uint8 ToUint8(double)
Color FromRGBA(uint32)
Color FromABGR(uint32)
Color Alpha(uint32)
Color ToColor(float)
Color ToColor(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double r
double g
double b
double a
- Object Method -
ColorF(const ColorF& in)
ColorF(double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0)
ColorF(double rgb, double a = 1.0) explicit
ColorF(const ColorF& in, double)
ColorF(const Vec3& in, double a = 1.0) explicit
ColorF(const Vec4& in) explicit
ColorF(const Color& in)
ColorF(const Color& in, double a)
ColorF(const HSV& in)
ColorF(const HSV& in, double a)
ColorF(const String& in) explicit
double elem(size_t) const
ColorF& oopSubAssign(const ColorF& in)
ColorF& setR(double r)
ColorF& setG(double g)
ColorF& setB(double b)
ColorF& setA(double a)
ColorF& setRGB(double rgb)
ColorF& setRGB(double r, double g, double b)
ColorF& set(double rgb, double a = 1.0)
ColorF& set(double r, double g, double b, double a = 1.0)
ColorF& set(const ColorF& in)
ColorF withAlpha(double a)
double grayscale() const
double minRGBComponent() const
double maxRGBComponent() const
double minComponent() const
double maxComponent() const
ColorF lerp(const ColorF& in, double) const
ColorF gamma(double) const
ColorF removeSRGBCurve() const
ColorF applySRGBCurve() const
size_t hash() const
Color toColor() const
Float4 toFloat4() const
Vec4 toVec4() const
Vec2 rg() const
Vec2 gb() const
Vec2 ba() const
Vec3 rgb() const
Vec3 gba() const
Vec3 bgr() const
Vec4 rgba() const
Vec4 rgb0() const
Vec4 rgb1() const
Vec4 argb() const
Vec4 abgr() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
ColorF Zero()
ColorF One()
ColorF AlphaF(double)
ColorF Transparency(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Point Pos()
Vec2 PosF()
Point PreviousPos()
Vec2 PreviousPosF()
Point Delta()
Vec2 DeltaF()
Point PosRaw()
Point PreviousPosRaw()
Point DeltaRaw()
Point ScreenPos()
Point ScreenPreviousPos()
Point ScreenDelta()
void SetPos(int32, int32)
void SetPos(Point)
bool OnClientRect()
bool IsClippedToWindow()
void ClipToWindow(bool)
void SetDefaultStyle(CursorStyle style)
void RequestStyle(CursorStyle style)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
int32 year
int32 month
int32 day
- Object Method -
Date(const Date& in)
Date(int32 year, int32 month = 1, int32 day = 1)
bool isToday() const
bool isLeapYear() const
int32 daysInYear() const
int32 daysInMonth() const
bool isValid() const
String format(const String& in format = "yyyy-MM-dd") const
size_t hash() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Date Yesterday()
Date Today()
Date Tomorrow()
bool IsLeapYear(int32)
int32 DaysInYear(int32)
int32 DaysInMonth(int32 year, int32 month)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
int32 year
int32 month
int32 day
int32 hour
int32 minute
int32 second
int32 milliseconds
- Object Method -
DateTime(const DateTime& in)
bool isToday() const
bool isLeapYear() const
int32 daysInYear() const
int32 daysInMonth() const
bool isValid() const
String format(const String& in format = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") const
size_t hash() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
DateTime Yesterday()
DateTime Today()
DateTime Tomorrow()
DateTime Now()
DateTime NowUTC()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Image OpenImage(const String& in defaultPath = "", const String& in title = "")
Texture OpenTexture(const String& in defaultPath = "", const String& in title = "")
Texture OpenTexture(TextureDesc, const String& in defaultPath = "", const String& in title = "")
Wave OpenWave(const String& in defaultPath = "", const String& in title = "")
Audio OpenAudio(const String& in defaultPath = "", const String& in title = "")
Audio OpenAudio(AudioFileStreaming, const String& in defaultPath = "", const String& in title = "")
String OpenFile(int32, const String&in = "", const String&in = "")
String OpenScript(const String&in = "", const String&in = "")
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Font font
String text
- Object Method -
DrawableText(const DrawableText& in)
DrawableText(const Font& in, const String& in)
RectF region(double x, double y) const
RectF region(Vec2 pos = Vec2(0,0)) const
RectF region(double, double x, double y) const
RectF region(double, Vec2 pos = Vec2(0,0)) const
RectF regionBase(double x, double y) const
RectF regionBase(Vec2 pos = Vec2(0,0)) const
RectF regionBase(double, double x, double y) const
RectF regionBase(double, Vec2 pos = Vec2(0,0)) const
RectF regionAt(double x, double y) const
RectF regionAt(Vec2) const
RectF regionAt(double, double x, double y) const
RectF regionAt(double, Vec2) const
RectF regionBaseAt(double x, double y) const
RectF regionBaseAt(Vec2 pos = Vec2(0,0)) const
RectF regionBaseAt(double, double x, double y) const
RectF regionBaseAt(double, Vec2 pos = Vec2(0,0)) const
RectF draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const Vec2& in pos = Vec2(0, 0), const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(double, double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(double, const Vec2& in pos = Vec2(0, 0), const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const TextStyle&in, double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
bool draw(const RectF& in area, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
bool draw(double, const RectF& in area, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
bool draw(const TextStyle&in, const RectF& in area, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawBase(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawBase(const Vec2& in pos = Vec2(0, 0), const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawBase(double, double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const Vec2& in pos = Vec2(0, 0), const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double, double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const TextStyle&in, double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawBaseAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawBaseAt(const Vec2& in pos = Vec2(0, 0), const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawBaseAt(double, double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
void paint(Image& inout, double, double, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void paint(Image& inout, const Vec2& in pos, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void paintAt(Image& inout, double, double, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void paintAt(Image& inout, const Vec2& in pos, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void stamp(Image& inout, double, double, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void stamp(Image& inout, const Vec2& in pos, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void stampAt(Image& inout, double, double, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void stampAt(Image& inout, const Vec2& in pos, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void overwrite(Image& inout, double, double) const
void overwrite(Image& inout, const Vec2& in pos) const
void overwriteAt(Image& inout, double, double) const
void overwriteAt(Image& inout, const Vec2& in pos) const
RectF draw(Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF draw(double, Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF draw(const TextStyle&in, Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF draw(const TextStyle&in, double, Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF drawBase(Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF drawBase(double, Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF drawBase(const TextStyle&in, Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
RectF drawBase(const TextStyle&in, double, Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double _rep
- Object Method -
Duration(const Duration &in)
Duration(double) explicit
double count() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Duration _h(double)
Duration _min(double)
Duration _s(double)
Duration _ms(double)
Duration _us(double)
Duration _ns(double)
Duration HoursF(double)
Duration MinutesF(double)
Duration SecondsF(double)
Duration MillisecondsF(double)
Duration MicrosecondsF(double)
Duration NanosecondsF(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
DynamicTexture(const DynamicTexture& in)
DynamicTexture(const Image& in, TextureDesc desc)
bool fill(const ColorF& in)
bool fillRegion(const ColorF& in, const Rect& in)
bool fill(const Image& in)
bool fillRegion(const Image& in, const Rect& in)
bool fillIfNotBusy(const Image& in)
bool fillRegionIfNotBusy(const Image& in, const Rect& in)
void swap(DynamicTexture& inout)
void release()
bool isEmpty() const
int32 width() const
int32 height() const
Point size() const
bool isMipped() const
bool srgbSampling() const
bool isSDF() const
bool hasDepth() const
Rect region(int32, int32) const
Rect region(Point = Point(0, 0)) const
RectF region(double, double) const
RectF region(Vec2) const
RectF regionAt(double, double) const
RectF regionAt(Vec2) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
RectF draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAtClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
TextureRegion uv(double, double, double, double) const
TextureRegion uv(const RectF& in) const
TextureRegion mirrored() const
TextureRegion mirrored(bool) const
TextureRegion flipped() const
TextureRegion flipped(bool) const
TextureRegion scaled(double) const
TextureRegion scaled(double, double) const
TextureRegion scaled(Vec2) const
TextureRegion resized(double) const
TextureRegion resized(double, double) const
TextureRegion resized(Vec2) const
TextureRegion repeated(double, double) const
TextureRegion repeated(Vec2) const
TextureRegion mapped(double, double) const
TextureRegion mapped(Vec2) const
TextureRegion fitted(double, double, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TextureRegion fitted(const Vec2& in, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TexturedQuad rotated(double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(const Vec2& in, double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double, double, double, double, double) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Easing (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
double EaseInLinear(double)
double EaseInSine(double)
double EaseInQuad(double)
double EaseInCubic(double)
double EaseInQuart(double)
double EaseInQuint(double)
double EaseInExpo(double)
double EaseInCirc(double)
double EaseInBack(double)
double EaseInElastic(double)
double EaseInBounce(double)
double EaseOutLinear(double)
double EaseOutSine(double)
double EaseOutQuad(double)
double EaseOutCubic(double)
double EaseOutQuart(double)
double EaseOutQuint(double)
double EaseOutExpo(double)
double EaseOutCirc(double)
double EaseOutBack(double)
double EaseOutElastic(double)
double EaseOutBounce(double)
double EaseInOutLinear(double)
double EaseInOutSine(double)
double EaseInOutQuad(double)
double EaseInOutCubic(double)
double EaseInOutQuart(double)
double EaseInOutQuint(double)
double EaseInOutExpo(double)
double EaseInOutCirc(double)
double EaseInOutBack(double)
double EaseInOutElastic(double)
double EaseInOutBounce(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
double a
double b
Vec2 center
- Object Method -
Ellipse(const Ellipse& in)
Ellipse(double r) explicit
Ellipse(double a, double b)
Ellipse(double x, double y, double r)
Ellipse(double x, double y, double a, double b)
Ellipse(const Vec2& in center) explicit
Ellipse(const Vec2& in center, double r)
Ellipse(const Vec2& in center, double a, double b)
Ellipse(double x, double y, const Vec2&in axis)
Ellipse(const Vec2& in center, const Vec2&in axis)
Ellipse(const Circle& in)
Ellipse(const RectF& in) explicit
Ellipse& set(double x, double y, double a, double b)
Ellipse& set(const Vec2& in center, double r)
Ellipse& set(const Vec2& in center, double a, double b)
Ellipse& set(double x, double y, const Vec2&in axis)
Ellipse& set(const Vec2& in center, const Vec2& in axis)
Ellipse& set(const Circle& in)
Ellipse& set(const RectF& in)
Ellipse& set(const Ellipse& in)
Ellipse& setCenter(double x, double y)
Ellipse& setCenter(const Vec2& in)
Ellipse& setPos(double x, double y)
Ellipse& setPos(const Vec2&in center)
Ellipse& setAxes(double)
Ellipse& setAxes(double, double)
Ellipse& setAxes(const Vec2& in)
Ellipse movedBy(double x, double y) const
Ellipse movedBy(const Vec2&in xy) const
Ellipse& moveBy(double x, double y)
Ellipse& moveBy(const Vec2&in xy)
Ellipse stretched(double size) const
Ellipse stretched(double x, double y) const
Ellipse scaled(double s) const
Ellipse scaled(double sx, double sy) const
Vec2 top() const
Vec2 right() const
Vec2 bottom() const
Vec2 left() const
Line horizontalDiameter() const
Line verticalDiameter() const
double area() const
Circle boundingCircle() const
RectF boundingRect() const
Polygon asPolygon(uint32 quality = 24) const
Ellipse lerp(const Ellipse& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier3& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Line& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Circle& in) const
bool contains(const Ellipse& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const Ellipse& draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Ellipse& draw(const ColorF& in innerColor, const ColorF& in outerColor) const
const Ellipse& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Ellipse& drawFrame(double inner, double outer, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Ellipse& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Ellipse& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 position
Vec2 velocity
- Object Method -
Emission2D(const Emission2D&in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Emoji(const Emoji& in)
Emoji(const String& in)
- Global Property -
const Point ImageSize
- Global Function -
bool HasGlyph(const String& in)
GlyphIndex GetGlyphIndex(const String& in)
Image CreateImage(const String& in)
Image CreateImageByGlyphIndex(GlyphIndex)
Image CreateSilhouetteImage(const String& in)
Image CreateSilhouetteImageByGlyphIndex(GlyphIndex)
Emoji _emoji(const String& in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool IsResourcePath(const String& in)
bool Exists(const String& in)
bool IsDirectory(const String& in)
bool IsFile(const String& in)
bool IsResource(const String& in)
String FullPath(const String& in)
String Extension(const String& in)
String FileName(const String& in)
String BaseName(const String& in)
String ParentPath(const String& in, size_t level = 0)
String ParentPath(const String& in, size_t level, String& out baseFullPath)
String VolumePath(const String& in)
bool IsEmptyDirectory(const String& in)
int64 Size(const String& in)
int64 FileSize(const String& in)
const String& InitialDirectory()
const String& ModulePath()
String CurrentDirectory()
bool ChangeCurrentDirectory(const String& in)
const String& GetFolderPath(SpecialFolder)
String TemporaryDirectoryPath()
String UniqueFilePath(const String& in = TemporaryDirectoryPath())
String RelativePath(const String& in, const String& in = CurrentDirectory())
bool CreateDirectories(const String& in)
bool CreateParentDirectories(const String& in)
bool Copy(const String& in, const String& in, CopyOption = CopyOption::Default)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
float x
float y
- Object Method -
Float2(const Float2& in)
Float2(float x, float y)
Float2(const Point& in)
Float2(const Vec2& in)
Float2(const float& in) {float, float}
float elem(size_t) const
bool epsilonEquals(Float2, float) const
bool hasSameDirection(Float2) const
bool hasOppositeDirection(Float2) const
bool isZero() const
bool hasNaN() const
float minComponent() const
float maxComponent() const
void clear()
Float2& set(float, float)
Float2& set(Float2)
Float2 movedBy(float, float) const
Float2 movedBy(Float2) const
Float2& moveBy(float, float)
Float2& moveBy(Float2)
Float2 clamped(const RectF& in) const
Float2& clamp(const RectF& in)
float dot(Float2) const
float cross(Float2) const
float length() const
float lengthSq() const
float invLength() const
float manhattanLength() const
float manhattanDistanceFrom(float, float) const
float manhattanDistanceFrom(Float2) const
float distanceFrom(float x, float y) const
float distanceFrom(Float2) const
float distanceFromSq(float x, float y) const
float distanceFromSq(Float2) const
Float2 withLength(float) const
Float2& setLength(float)
Float2 limitLength(float) const
Float2& limitLengthSelf(float)
Float2 normalized() const
Float2& normalize()
Float2 rotated(float) const
Float2& rotate(float)
Float2 rotatedAt(Float2, float) const
Float2& rotateAt(Float2, float)
float getAngle() const
float getAngle(Float2) const
Float2 getPerpendicularCW() const
Float2 getPerpendicularCCW() const
Float2 getMidpoint(Float2) const
Float2 projection(Float2) const
Float2 getPointByAngleAndDistance(float, float) const
Float2 lerp(Float2, float) const
Point asPoint() const
Circle asCircle(double) const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
size_t hash() const
Float2 xx() const
Float2 xy() const
Float2 yx() const
Float2 yy() const
Float2 x0() const
Float2 y0() const
Float3 xy0() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Float2 Zero()
Float2 One()
Float2 All(float value = 1)
Float2 UnitX()
Float2 UnitY()
Float2 Left(float length = 1)
Float2 Right(float length = 1)
Float2 Up(float length = 1)
Float2 Down(float length = 1)
Float2 AnchorCenter()
Float2 AnchorTopLeft()
Float2 AnchorTopCenter()
Float2 AnchorTopRight()
Float2 AnchorRightCenter()
Float2 AnchorBottomRight()
Float2 AnchorBottomCenter()
Float2 AnchorBottomLeft()
Float2 AnchorLeftCenter()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
float x
float y
float z
- Object Method -
Float3(const Float3& in)
Float3(const Vec3& in)
Float3(float x, float y, float z)
Float3(const Float2& in, float)
Float3(float, const Float2& in)
Float3(const float& in) {float, float, float}
float elem(size_t) const
bool epsilonEquals(Float3, float) const
bool hasSameDirection(Float3) const
bool hasOppositeDirection(Float3) const
bool isZero() const
bool hasNaN() const
float minComponent() const
float maxComponent() const
void clear()
Float3& set(float, float, float)
Float3& set(Float3)
Float3 movedBy(float, float, float) const
Float3 movedBy(Float3) const
Float3& moveBy(float, float, float)
Float3& moveBy(Float3)
float dot(Float3) const
Float3 cross(Float3) const
float angleTo(Float3) const
Float3 projectOnVector(Float3) const
Float3 projectOnPlane(Float3) const
float length() const
float lengthSq() const
float invLength() const
float manhattanLength() const
float manhattanDistanceFrom(float, float, float) const
float manhattanDistanceFrom(Float3) const
float distanceFrom(float x, float y, float z) const
float distanceFrom(Float3) const
float distanceFromSq(float x, float y, float z) const
float distanceFromSq(Float3) const
Float3 withLength(float) const
Float3& setLength(float)
Float3 limitLength(float) const
Float3& limitLengthSelf(float)
Float3 normalized() const
Float3& normalize()
Float3 getMidpoint(Float3) const
Float3 lerp(Float3, float) const
size_t hash() const
Float2 xx() const
Float2 xy() const
Float2 xz() const
Float2 yx() const
Float2 yy() const
Float2 yz() const
Float2 zx() const
Float2 zy() const
Float2 zz() const
Float3 xxx() const
Float3 xyz() const
Float3 xzy() const
Float3 yyy() const
Float3 yxz() const
Float3 yzx() const
Float3 zzz() const
Float3 zxy() const
Float3 zyx() const
Float4 xyz0() const
Float4 xyz1() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Float3 Zero()
Float3 One()
Float3 All(float value = 1)
Float3 UnitX()
Float3 UnitY()
Float3 UnitZ()
Float3 Left(float length = 1)
Float3 Right(float length = 1)
Float3 Up(float length = 1)
Float3 Down(float length = 1)
Float3 Forward(float length = 1)
Float3 Backward(float length = 1)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
float x
float y
float z
float w
- Object Method -
Float4(const Float4& in)
Float4(float x, float y, float z, float w)
Float4(float, float, const Float2& in)
Float4(float, const Float2& in, float)
Float4(const Float2& in, float, float)
Float4(const Float2& in, const Float2& in)
Float4(const Float3& in, float)
Float4(float, const Float3& in)
Float4(const Vec4& in)
Float4(const float& in) {float, float, float, float}
float elem(size_t) const
bool epsilonEquals(Float4, float) const
bool hasSameDirection(Float4) const
bool hasOppositeDirection(Float4) const
bool isZero() const
bool hasNaN() const
float minComponent() const
float maxComponent() const
void clear()
Float4& set(const Float2& in, const Float2& in)
Float4& set(const Float2& in, float, float)
Float4& set(float, const Float2& in, float)
Float4& set(float, float, const Float2& in)
Float4& set(const Float3& in, float)
Float4& set(float, const Float3& in)
Float4& set(float, float, float, float)
Float4& set(Float4)
Float4 movedBy(float, float, float, float) const
Float4 movedBy(Float4) const
Float4& moveBy(float, float, float, float)
Float4& moveBy(Float4)
float dot(Float4) const
float length() const
float lengthSq() const
float invLength() const
float manhattanLength() const
float manhattanDistanceFrom(float, float, float, float) const
float manhattanDistanceFrom(Float4) const
float distanceFrom(float x, float y, float z, float w) const
float distanceFrom(Float4) const
float distanceFromSq(float x, float y, float z, float w) const
float distanceFromSq(Float4) const
Float4 withLength(float) const
Float4& setLength(float)
Float4 limitLength(float) const
Float4& limitLengthSelf(float)
Float4 normalized() const
Float4& normalize()
Float4 getMidpoint(Float4) const
Float4 lerp(Float4, float) const
size_t hash() const
Float2 xx() const
Float2 xy() const
Float2 xz() const
Float2 xw() const
Float2 yx() const
Float2 yy() const
Float2 yz() const
Float2 yw() const
Float2 zx() const
Float2 zy() const
Float2 zz() const
Float2 zw() const
Float2 wx() const
Float2 wy() const
Float2 wz() const
Float2 ww() const
Float3 xxx() const
Float3 xyz() const
Float3 yyy() const
Float3 yxz() const
Float3 yzw() const
Float3 zzz() const
Float3 zyx() const
Float3 www() const
Float3 wzy() const
Float4 xyz0() const
Float4 xyz1() const
Float4 xyzw() const
Float4 xxxx() const
Float4 yyyy() const
Float4 zzzz() const
Float4 wwww() const
Float4 wzyx() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Float4 Zero()
Float4 One()
Float4 All(float value = 1)
Float4 UnitX()
Float4 UnitY()
Float4 UnitZ()
Float4 UnitW()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
uint64 AsUint64(double)
- Enum Value -
#FloatingPoint (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
uint32 AsUint32(float)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
float left
float top
float right
float bottom
- Object Method -
FloatRect(const FloatRect &in)
FloatRect(float, float, float, float)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Font(const Font& in)
Font(int32, const String& in path, FontStyle style = FontStyle::Default)
Font(int32, const String& in path, size_t faceIndex, FontStyle style = FontStyle::Default)
Font(int32, Typeface typeface = Typeface::Regular, FontStyle style = FontStyle::Default)
Font(FontMethod fontMethod, int32, const String& in path, FontStyle style = FontStyle::Default)
void release()
bool isEmpty() const
void addFallback(const Font& in) const
const String& familyName() const
const String& styleName() const
bool hasColor() const
int32 fontSize() const
int32 ascender() const
int32 descender() const
int32 height() const
double spaceWidth() const
int32 indentSize() const
const Font& setIndentSize(int32) const
const Font& setBufferThickness(int32) const
int32 getBufferThickness() const
bool hasGlyph(char32) const
bool hasGlyph(const String& in)
uint32 num_glyphs() const
GlyphIndex getGlyphIndex(char32) const
GlyphIndex getGlyphIndex(const String& in)
bool preload(const String& in)
const Texture& getTexture() const
void swap(Font& inout)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Format (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
String Format()
String Format(const String& in)
String Format(const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format()
String Format(const String& in)
String Format(const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
String Format(const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in, const ?&in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
size_t GetActiveVoiceCount()
void PauseAll()
void ResumeAll()
double GetVolume()
void SetVolume(double)
void FadeVolume(double, const Duration& in)
Array<float>@ GetSamples()
Array<float>@ BusGetSamples(MixBus busIndex)
double BusGetVolume(MixBus)
void BusSetVolume(MixBus, double)
void BusFadeVolume(MixBus, double, const Duration& in)
void BusClearFilter(MixBus, size_t)
void BusSetPitchShiftFilter(MixBus busIndex, size_t filterIndex, double pitchShift)
bool SupportsPitchShift()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
void SetVSyncEnabled(bool)
bool IsVSyncEnabled()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Float4 GetColorMul()
Float4 GetColorAdd()
void SetScissorRect()
Rect GetScissorRect()
const Mat3x2& GetLocalTransform()
const Mat3x2& GetCameraTransform()
float GetMaxScaling()
Point GetRenderTargetSize()
void Flush()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
bool f(int&in, bool&out)
Grid<T>@ f(int&in)
Grid<T>@ f(int&in, uint, uint)
Grid<T>@ f(int&in, uint, uint, const T &in)
Grid<T>@ f(int&in type, int&in list) {repeat {repeat_same T}}
int f()
bool f()
T &opIndex(uint, uint)
const T &opIndex(uint, uint) const
void resize(uint width, uint height)
uint width() const
uint height() const
void fill(const T& in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double h
double s
double v
double a
- Object Method -
HSV(const HSV& in)
HSV(double h, double a = 1.0) explicit
HSV(double h, double s, double v, double a = 1.0)
HSV(const HSV& in, double a)
HSV(const Color& in)
HSV(const ColorF& in)
double elem(size_t) const
HSV& setH(double h)
HSV& setS(double s)
HSV& setV(double v)
HSV& setA(double a)
HSV& setHSV(double h, double s, double v)
HSV& set(double h, double s, double v, double a = 1.0)
HSV& set(const HSV& in)
HSV withAlpha(double a) const
HSV lerp(const HSV& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
ColorF removeSRGBCurve() const
ColorF applySRGBCurve() const
Color toColor() const
Color toColor(uint32) const
ColorF toColorF() const
ColorF toColorF(double) const
Vec3 hsv() const
Vec4 hsva() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
HSV Zero()
Color HueToColor(double)
ColorF HueToColorF(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
uint8 type
uint32 code
- Object Method -
Icon(const Icon &in)
Icon(uint32 code) explicit
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool HasGlyph(uint32)
Image CreateImage(uint32 code, int32 size)
Image CreateSDFImage(uint32 code, int32 size)
Image CreateMSDFImage(uint32 code, int32 size)
Icon _icon(uint32)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Image(const Image& in)
Image(size_t size) explicit
Image(size_t size, const Color& in)
Image(const Point& in) explicit
Image(const Point& in, const Color& in)
Image(size_t w, size_t h)
Image(size_t w, size_t h, const Color& in)
Image(const String& in) explicit
Image(const String& in, const String& in)
Image(const Color& in, const String& in)
Image(const Emoji& in) explicit
Image(const Icon& in, int32)
int32 width() const
int32 height() const
Point size() const
uint32 stride() const
uint32 num_pixels() const
size_t size_bytes() const
bool isEmpty() const
void shrink_to_fit()
void clear()
void release()
void swap(Image& inout)
Image cloned() const
void fill(Color)
void resize(size_t x, size_t y)
void resize(Point)
void resize(size_t x, size_t y, const Color& in)
void resize(Point, Color)
void resizeRows(size_t, Color)
Image clipped(const Rect& in) const
Image clipped(const Point& in pos, int32 w, int32 h) const
Image clipped(const Point& in pos, const Point& in size) const
Image squareClipped() const
Image& RGBAtoBGRA()
bool save(const String& in, ImageFormat format = ImageFormat::Unspecified) const
bool saveWithDialog() const
Image& negate()
Image negated() const
Image& grayscale()
Image grayscaled() const
Image& sepia()
Image sepiaed() const
Image& posterize(int32)
Image posterized(int32) const
Image& brighten(int32)
Image brightened(int32) const
Image& mirror()
Image mirrored() const
Image& flip()
Image flipped() const
Image& rotate90()
Image rotated90() const
Image& rotate180()
Image rotated180() const
Image& rotate270()
Image rotated270() const
Image& gammaCorrect(double)
Image gammaCorrected(double) const
Image& threshold(uint8, bool invertColor = InvertColor::No)
Image thresholded(uint8, bool invertColor = InvertColor::No) const
Image& threshold_Otsu(bool invertColor = InvertColor::No)
Image thresholded_Otsu(bool invertColor = InvertColor::No) const
Image& mosaic(int32)
Image mosaiced(int32) const
Image& spread(int32)
Image spreaded(int32) const
Image& blur(int32, BorderType borderType = BorderType::Reflect_101)
Image blurred(int32, BorderType borderType = BorderType::Reflect_101) const
Image& medianBlur(int32)
Image medianBlurred(int32) const
Image& gaussianBlur(int32, BorderType borderType = BorderType::Reflect_101)
Image gaussianBlurred(int32, BorderType borderType = BorderType::Reflect_101) const
Image& dilate(int32 iterations = 1)
Image dilated(int32 iterations = 1) const
Image& erode(int32 iterations = 1)
Image eroded(int32 iterations = 1) const
Image& scale(const Point& in, InterpolationAlgorithm interpolation = InterpolationAlgorithm::Auto)
Image& scale(double scaling, InterpolationAlgorithm interpolation = InterpolationAlgorithm::Auto)
Image& border(int32, const Color& in = Palette::White)
Image bordered(int32, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
Image warpAffine(const Mat3x2& in, const Color& in = Color(0, 0)) const
Image rotated(double, const Color& in = Color(0, 0)) const
Image warpPerspective(const Quad& in, const Color& in = Color(0, 0)) const
void paint(Image& inout, const Point& in, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void stamp(Image& inout, const Point& in, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void overwrite(Image& inout, Point) const
void paintAt(Image& inout, const Point& in, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void stampAt(Image& inout, const Point& in, const Color& in = Palette::White) const
void overwriteAt(Image& inout, Point) const
Polygon alphaToPolygon(uint32 threshold = 160, bool allowHoles = AllowHoles::Yes) const
Polygon alphaToPolygonCentered(uint32 threshold = 160, bool allowHoles = AllowHoles::Yes) const
Polygon grayscaleToPolygon(uint32 threshold = 160, bool allowHoles = AllowHoles::Yes) const
Polygon grayscaleToPolygonCentered(uint32 threshold = 160, bool allowHoles = AllowHoles::Yes) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
INI(const String&in)
bool load(const String&in)
void clear()
bool isEmpty() const
bool hasSection(const String&in)
bool hasValue(const String&in, const String&in)
String get(const String&in, const String&in)
void addSection(const String&in)
void removeSection(const String&in)
void write(const String&in, const String&in, const String&in)
bool save(const String&in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Input(const Input &in)
uint8 code() const
uint8 playerIndex() const
String name() const
bool down() const
bool pressed() const
bool up() const
Duration pressedDuration() const
uint32 asUint32() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const Input KeyCancel
const Input KeyBackspace
const Input KeyTab
const Input KeyClear
const Input KeyEnter
const Input KeyShift
const Input KeyControl
const Input KeyAlt
const Input KeyPause
const Input KeyEscape
const Input KeySpace
const Input KeyPageUp
const Input KeyPageDown
const Input KeyEnd
const Input KeyHome
const Input KeyLeft
const Input KeyUp
const Input KeyRight
const Input KeyDown
const Input KeyPrintScreen
const Input KeyInsert
const Input KeyDelete
const Input Key0
const Input Key1
const Input Key2
const Input Key3
const Input Key4
const Input Key5
const Input Key6
const Input Key7
const Input Key8
const Input Key9
const Input KeyA
const Input KeyB
const Input KeyC
const Input KeyD
const Input KeyE
const Input KeyF
const Input KeyG
const Input KeyH
const Input KeyI
const Input KeyJ
const Input KeyK
const Input KeyL
const Input KeyM
const Input KeyN
const Input KeyO
const Input KeyP
const Input KeyQ
const Input KeyR
const Input KeyS
const Input KeyT
const Input KeyU
const Input KeyV
const Input KeyW
const Input KeyX
const Input KeyY
const Input KeyZ
const Input KeyNum0
const Input KeyNum1
const Input KeyNum2
const Input KeyNum3
const Input KeyNum4
const Input KeyNum5
const Input KeyNum6
const Input KeyNum7
const Input KeyNum8
const Input KeyNum9
const Input KeyNumMultiply
const Input KeyNumAdd
const Input KeyNumEnter
const Input KeyNumSubtract
const Input KeyNumDecimal
const Input KeKeyNumDividey
const Input KeyF1
const Input KeyF2
const Input KeyF3
const Input KeyF4
const Input KeyF5
const Input KeyF6
const Input KeyF7
const Input KeyF8
const Input KeyF9
const Input KeyF10
const Input KeyF11
const Input KeyF12
const Input KeyF13
const Input KeyF14
const Input KeyF15
const Input KeyF16
const Input KeyF17
const Input KeyF18
const Input KeyF19
const Input KeyF20
const Input KeyF21
const Input KeyF22
const Input KeyF23
const Input KeyF24
const Input KeyNumLock
const Input KeyLShift
const Input KeyRShift
const Input KeyLControl
const Input KeyRControl
const Input KeyLAlt
const Input KeyRAlt
const Input KeyNextTrack
const Input KeyPreviousTrack
const Input KeyStopMedia
const Input KeyPlayPauseMedia
const Input KeyColon_JIS
const Input KeySemicolon_US
const Input KeySemicolon_JIS
const Input KeyEqual_US
const Input KeyComma
const Input KeyMinus
const Input KeyPeriod
const Input KeySlash
const Input KeyGraveAccent
const Input KeyCommand
const Input KeyLeftCommand
const Input KeyRightCommand
const Input KeyLBracket
const Input KeyYen_JIS
const Input KeyBackslash_US
const Input KeyRBracket
const Input KeyCaret_JIS
const Input KeyApostrophe_US
const Input KeyUnderscore_JIS
- Global Function -
Array<Input>@ GetAllInputs()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 begin
Vec2 end
- Object Method -
Line(const Line& in)
Line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
Line(const Vec2& in, double x1, double y1)
Line(double x0, double y0, const Vec2& in)
Line(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
const Line& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Line& paint(Image& inout, int32, const Color& in) const
const Line& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in, bool antialiased = Antialiased::Yes) const
const Line& paintArrow(Image& inout, double, const Vec2& in, const Color& in) const
const Line& overwriteArrow(Image& inout, double, const Vec2& in, const Color& in) const
const Line& paintDoubleHeadedArrow(Image& inout, double, const Vec2& in, const Color& in) const
const Line& overwriteDoubleHeadedArrow(Image& inout, double, const Vec2& in, const Color& in) const
Line& set(double, double, double, double)
Line& set(Vec2, double, double)
Line& set(double, double, Vec2)
Line& set(Vec2, Vec2)
Line& set(const Line& in)
Line movedBy(double, double) const
Line movedBy(Vec2) const
Line& moveBy(double, double)
Line& moveBy(Vec2)
Line stretched(double) const
Line stretched(double, double) const
Vec2 vector() const
Vec2 normal() const
Line reversed() const
Line& reverse()
bool hasLength() const
double length() const
double lengthSq() const
Vec2& p(size_t)
const Vec2& p(size_t) const
Vec2 point(size_t) const
Vec2 position(double) const
Vec2 center() const
Vec2 closest(Vec2) const
RectF boundingRect() const
Line extractLine(double, double) const
Line lerp(const Line& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier3& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
Optional<Vec2> intersectsAt(const Line& in) const
const Line& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Line& draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
const Line& draw(double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Line& draw(double, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
const Line& draw(const LineStyle& in, double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Line& draw(const LineStyle& in, double, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
LineString(const LineString& in)
LineString(uint32) explicit
LineString(uint32, const Vec2& in)
LineString(const Vec2& in) {repeat Vec2}
LineString(const Array<Vec2>& in)
const LineString& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const LineString& paint(Image& inout, int32, const Color& in) const
const LineString& paintClosed(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const LineString& paintClosed(Image& inout, int32, const Color& in) const
void assign(const LineString& in)
void assign(const Array<Point>& in)
void assign(const Array<Vec2>& in)
Vec2& at(size_t index)
const Vec2& at(size_t index) const
void push_front(const Vec2& in)
void push_back(const Vec2& in)
void pop_front()
void pop_front_N(size_t)
void pop_back()
void pop_back_N(size_t)
Vec2& front()
const Vec2& front() const
Vec2& back()
const Vec2& back() const
bool empty() const
bool isEmpty() const
size_t size() const
size_t max_size() const
void reserve(size_t)
size_t capacity() const
void shrink_to_fit()
void clear()
void release()
void resize(size_t)
LineString& fill(const Vec2& in)
size_t num_points() const
size_t num_lines(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
Line line(size_t index, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
Vec2 normalAtPoint(size_t index, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
Vec2 normalAtLine(size_t index, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString movedBy(double, double) const
LineString movedBy(Vec2) const
LineString& moveBy(double, double)
LineString& moveBy(Vec2)
LineString scaled(double) const
LineString scaled(double, double) const
LineString scaled(Vec2) const
LineString& scale(double)
LineString& scale(double, double)
LineString& scale(Vec2)
LineString scaledAt(Vec2, double) const
LineString scaledAt(Vec2, double, double) const
LineString scaledAt(Vec2, Vec2) const
LineString& scaleAt(Vec2, double)
LineString& scaleAt(Vec2, double, double)
LineString& scaleAt(Vec2, Vec2)
RectF computeBoundingRect() const
LineString simplified(double maxDistance = 2.0, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString densified(double maxDistance = 2.0, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString catmullRom(int32 interpolation = 24) const
LineString catmullRom(bool closeRing, int32 interpolation = 24) const
double calculateLength(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
Vec2 calculatePointFromOrigin(double, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString extractLineString(double, double, bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
Polygon calculateBuffer(double distance, int32 quality = 24) const
Polygon calculateBufferClosed(double distance, int32 quality = 24) const
Polygon calculateRoundBuffer(double distance, int32 quality = 24) const
Polygon calculateRoundBufferClosed(double distance, int32 quality = 24) const
Spline2D asSpline(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier3& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
const LineString& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const LineString& draw(double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const LineString& draw(const LineStyle& in, double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const LineString& drawClosed(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const LineString& drawClosed(double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const LineString& drawClosed(const LineStyle& in, double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
void swap(LineString& inout)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
LineStyle(const LineStyle& in)
LineStyle(const LineStyleParameters& in)
bool hasSquareCap() const
bool hasRoundCap() const
bool hasNoCap() const
bool hasSquareDot() const
bool hasRoundDot() const
- Global Property -
const LineStyleParameters SquareCap
const LineStyleParameters RoundCap
const LineStyleParameters Uncapped
const LineStyleParameters SquareDot
const LineStyleParameters RoundDot
const LineStyleParameters Default
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
LineStyleParameters(const LineStyleParameters& in)
LineStyleParameters offset(double) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
float _11
float _12
float _21
float _22
float _31
float _32
- Object Method -
Mat3x2(const Mat3x2 &in)
Mat3x2(float, float, float, float, float, float)
Mat3x2 translated(Float2) const
Mat3x2 translated(double, double) const
Mat3x2 scaled(double, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0)) const
Mat3x2 scaled(Float2, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0)) const
Mat3x2 scaled(double, double, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0)) const
Mat3x2 rotated(double, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0)) const
Mat3x2 shearedX(double) const
Mat3x2 shearedY(double) const
float determinant() const
Mat3x2 inverse() const
void setProduct(const Mat3x2& in, const Mat3x2& in)
Float2 transformPoint(Point) const
Float2 transformPoint(Float2) const
Vec2 transformPoint(Vec2) const
size_t hash() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Mat3x2 Identity()
Mat3x2 Translate(Float2)
Mat3x2 Translate(double, double)
Mat3x2 Scale(Float2, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0))
Mat3x2 Scale(double, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0))
Mat3x2 Scale(double, double, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0))
Mat3x2 Rotate(double, Float2 center = Float2(0, 0))
Mat3x2 ShearX(double)
Mat3x2 ShearY(double)
Mat3x2 Screen(double, double)
Mat3x2 Screen(Float2)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const float PiF
const double Pi
const float QuarterPiF
const double QuarterPi
const float OneThirdPiF
const double OneThirdPi
const float HalfPiF
const double HalfPi
const float TwoPiF
const double TwoPi
const float TauF
const double Tau
const float InvTwoPiF
const double InvTwoPi
const float InvPiF
const double InvPi
const float InvSqrtPiF
const double InvSqrtPi
const double E
const double Log2E
const double Log10E
const double Ln2
const double Ln10
const double Sqrt2
const double Sqrt3
const double InvSqrt2
const double InvSqrt3
const double EGamma
const double Phi
const float QNaNF
const double QNaN
const float NaNF
const double NaN
const float InfF
const double Inf
- Global Function -
double Lerp(double, double, double)
Vec2 Lerp(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, double)
Vec3 Lerp(const Vec3& in, const Vec3& in, double)
Vec4 Lerp(const Vec4& in, const Vec4& in, double)
Color Lerp(const Color& in, const Color& in, double)
ColorF Lerp(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, double)
HSV Lerp(const HSV& in, const HSV& in, double)
Line Lerp(const Line& in, const Line& in, double)
RectF Lerp(const RectF& in, const RectF& in, double)
Circle Lerp(const Circle& in, const Circle& in, double)
Ellipse Lerp(const Ellipse& in, const Ellipse& in, double)
Triangle Lerp(const Triangle& in, const Triangle& in, double)
Quad Lerp(const Quad& in, const Quad& in, double)
double InvLerp(double, double, double)
double Damp(double value, double a, double b, const double& in, const double& in)
Vec2 Damp(double value, double a, double b, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Vec3 Damp(double value, double a, double b, const Vec3& in, const Vec3& in)
Vec4 Damp(double value, double a, double b, const Vec4& in, const Vec4& in)
double LerpAngle(double, double, double)
double Eerp(double, double, double)
double Damp(double, double, double, double)
Vec2 Damp(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, double, double)
Vec3 Damp(const Vec3& in, const Vec3& in, double, double)
Vec4 Damp(const Vec4& in, const Vec4& in, double, double)
double Fmod(double, double)
double Fraction(double)
double Frexp(double, double& inout)
double Ldexp(double, double)
double Log(double)
double Log2(double)
double Log10(double)
double Modf(double, double& inout)
double Pow(double, double)
int32 Sign(double)
double ToRadians(double)
double ToDegrees(double)
int32 Abs(int8)
int32 Abs(int16)
int32 Abs(int32)
int64 Abs(int64)
float Abs(float)
double Abs(double)
double AbsDiff(double, double)
double Square(double)
double Exp(double)
double Exp2(double)
double Rsqrt(double)
double Sqrt(double)
double Ceil(double)
double Floor(double)
double Round(double)
double Clamp(double, double, double)
double Saturate(double)
double Acos(double)
double Asin(double)
double Atan(double)
double Atan2(double, double)
double Cos(double)
double Cosh(double)
double Sin(double)
double Sinh(double)
double Tan(double)
double Tanh(double)
double Normalize(double)
double Smoothstep(double)
double Smoothstep(double, double, double)
int64 GCD(int64, int64)
int64 LCM(int64, int64)
bool IsPrime(uint64)
- Enum Value -
#MathConstants (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
double _pi(double)
double _piF(double)
double _tau(double)
double _tauF(double)
double _deg(double)
double _degF(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
uint64 us() const
void log() const
void console() const
void print() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
uint64 ms() const
void log() const
void console() const
void print() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const MixBus MixBus0
const MixBus MixBus1
const MixBus MixBus2
const MixBus MixBus3
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const Input MouseL
const Input MouseR
const Input MouseM
const Input MouseX1
const Input MouseX2
const Input MouseX3
const Input MouseX4
const Input MouseX5
- Global Function -
Array<Input>@ GetAllInputs()
double Wheel()
double WheelH()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool Register(const String&in, const String&in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
bool Register(const String&in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
bool IsRegistered(const String&in)
void Unregister(const String&in)
void UnregisterAll()
bool IsReady(const String&in)
Texture Data(const String&in, double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const None_t none
const None_t unspecified
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Number (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool IsNaN(float)
bool IsNaN(double)
bool IsFinite(float)
bool IsFinite(double)
bool IsInfinity(float)
bool IsInfinity(double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 center
double r
double theta
- Object Method -
OffsetCircular(const OffsetCircular &in)
OffsetCircular(const Vec2& in, double r = 0.0, double theta = 0.0)
OffsetCircular(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
OffsetCircular movedBy(double, double) const
OffsetCircular movedBy(Vec2) const
OffsetCircular& moveBy(double, double)
OffsetCircular& moveBy(Vec2)
OffsetCircular& setCenter(double, double)
OffsetCircular& setCenter(Vec2)
OffsetCircular& setTarget(double, double)
OffsetCircular& setTarget(Vec2)
OffsetCircular rotated(double) const
OffsetCircular& rotate(double)
Float2 toFloat2() const
Vec2 toVec2() const
Float2 fastToFloat2() const
Vec2 fastToVec2() const
Vec2 toPosition() const
size_t hash() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
bool f(int32& in, bool& out)
Optional(int32& in)
Optional(int32& in, const T& in value)
Optional(int32& in, None_t)
T& value()
const T& value() const
const T& value_or(const T& in value) const
bool has_value() const
void reset()
void reset(const T& in value)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const ColorF Black
const ColorF Dimgray
const ColorF Dimgrey
const ColorF Gray
const ColorF Grey
const ColorF Darkgray
const ColorF Darkgrey
const ColorF Silver
const ColorF Lightgray
const ColorF Lightgrey
const ColorF Gainsboro
const ColorF Whitesmoke
const ColorF White
const ColorF Snow
const ColorF Ghostwhite
const ColorF Floralwhite
const ColorF Linen
const ColorF Antiquewhite
const ColorF Papayawhip
const ColorF Blanchedalmond
const ColorF Bisque
const ColorF Moccasin
const ColorF Navajowhite
const ColorF Peachpuff
const ColorF Mistyrose
const ColorF Lavenderblush
const ColorF Seashell
const ColorF Oldlace
const ColorF Ivory
const ColorF Honeydew
const ColorF Mintcream
const ColorF Azure
const ColorF Aliceblue
const ColorF Lavender
const ColorF Lightsteelblue
const ColorF Lightslategray
const ColorF Lightslategrey
const ColorF Slategray
const ColorF Slategrey
const ColorF Steelblue
const ColorF Royalblue
const ColorF Midnightblue
const ColorF Navy
const ColorF Darkblue
const ColorF Mediumblue
const ColorF Blue
const ColorF Dodgerblue
const ColorF Cornflowerblue
const ColorF Deepskyblue
const ColorF Lightskyblue
const ColorF Skyblue
const ColorF Lightblue
const ColorF Powderblue
const ColorF Paleturquoise
const ColorF Lightcyan
const ColorF Cyan
const ColorF Aqua
const ColorF Turquoise
const ColorF Mediumturquoise
const ColorF Darkturquoise
const ColorF Lightseagreen
const ColorF Cadetblue
const ColorF Darkcyan
const ColorF Teal
const ColorF Darkslategray
const ColorF Darkslategrey
const ColorF Darkgreen
const ColorF Green
const ColorF Forestgreen
const ColorF Seagreen
const ColorF Mediumseagreen
const ColorF Mediumaquamarine
const ColorF Darkseagreen
const ColorF Aquamarine
const ColorF Palegreen
const ColorF Lightgreen
const ColorF Springgreen
const ColorF Mediumspringgreen
const ColorF Lawngreen
const ColorF Chartreuse
const ColorF Greenyellow
const ColorF Lime
const ColorF Limegreen
const ColorF Yellowgreen
const ColorF Darkolivegreen
const ColorF Olivedrab
const ColorF Olive
const ColorF Darkkhaki
const ColorF Palegoldenrod
const ColorF Cornsilk
const ColorF Beige
const ColorF Lightyellow
const ColorF Lightgoldenrodyellow
const ColorF Lemonchiffon
const ColorF Wheat
const ColorF Burlywood
const ColorF Tan
const ColorF Khaki
const ColorF Yellow
const ColorF Gold
const ColorF Orange
const ColorF Sandybrown
const ColorF Darkorange
const ColorF Goldenrod
const ColorF Peru
const ColorF Darkgoldenrod
const ColorF Chocolate
const ColorF Sienna
const ColorF Saddlebrown
const ColorF Maroon
const ColorF Darkred
const ColorF Brown
const ColorF Firebrick
const ColorF Indianred
const ColorF Rosybrown
const ColorF Darksalmon
const ColorF Lightcoral
const ColorF Salmon
const ColorF Lightsalmon
const ColorF Coral
const ColorF Tomato
const ColorF Orangered
const ColorF Red
const ColorF Crimson
const ColorF Mediumvioletred
const ColorF Deeppink
const ColorF Hotpink
const ColorF Palevioletred
const ColorF Pink
const ColorF Lightpink
const ColorF Thistle
const ColorF Magenta
const ColorF Fuchsia
const ColorF Violet
const ColorF Plum
const ColorF Orchid
const ColorF Mediumorchid
const ColorF Darkorchid
const ColorF Darkviolet
const ColorF Darkmagenta
const ColorF Purple
const ColorF Indigo
const ColorF Darkslateblue
const ColorF Blueviolet
const ColorF Mediumpurple
const ColorF Slateblue
const ColorF Mediumslateblue
const ColorF DefaultLetterbox
const ColorF DefaultBackground
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
int Parse(const String&in)
int ParseInt(const String&in)
double ParseFloat(const String&in)
bool ParseBool(const String&in)
Color ParseColor(const String&in)
ColorF ParseColorF(const String&in)
HSV ParseHSV(const String&in)
Point ParsePoint(const String&in)
Float2 ParseFloat2(const String&in)
Vec2 ParseVec2(const String&in)
Vec3 ParseVec3(const String&in)
Vec4 ParseVec4(const String&in)
Line ParseLine(const String&in)
Rect ParseRect(const String&in)
RectF ParseRectF(const String&in)
Circle ParseCircle(const String&in)
Ellipse ParseEllipse(const String&in)
Triangle ParseTriangle(const String&in)
Quad ParseQuad(const String&in)
RoundRect ParseRoundRect(const String&in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
ParticleSystem2D(const ParticleSystem2D&in)
ParticleSystem2D(const Vec2&in)
ParticleSystem2D(const Vec2&in, const Vec2&in)
void setPosition(const Vec2&in)
void setForce(const Vec2&in)
void setEmitter(const CircleEmitter2D&in)
void setEmitter(const ArcEmitter2D&in)
void setEmitter(const RectEmitter2D&in)
void setParameters(const ParticleSystem2DParameters&in)
void setTexture(const Texture&in)
size_t num_particles()
void prewarm()
void update(const double)
void update()
void draw()
void drawDebug()
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double rate
double maxParticles
double startLifeTime
double startSpeed
ColorF startColor
double startSize
double startRotationDeg
double randomStartRotationDeg
double startAngularVelocityDeg
double randomStartAngularVelocityDeg
int32 blendState
- Object Method -
ParticleSystem2DParameters(const ParticleSystem2DParameters&in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
double Sine0_1(const Duration& in, double = Scene::Time())
double Sine0_1(double, double = Scene::Time())
double Square0_1(const Duration& in, double = Scene::Time())
double Square0_1(double, double = Scene::Time())
double Triangle0_1(const Duration& in, double = Scene::Time())
double Triangle0_1(double, double = Scene::Time())
double Sawtooth0_1(const Duration& in, double = Scene::Time())
double Sawtooth0_1(double, double = Scene::Time())
double Jump0_1(const Duration& in, double = Scene::Time())
double Jump0_1(double, double = Scene::Time())
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
int32 x
int32 y
- Object Method -
Point(const Point& in)
Point(int32 x, int32 y)
Point(const int32& in) {int32, int32}
const Point& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Point& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
int32 elem(size_t) const
bool isZero() const
int32 minComponent() const
int32 maxComponent() const
void clear()
Point& set(int32, int32)
Point& set(Point)
Point movedBy(int32, int32) const
Point movedBy(Point) const
Float2 movedBy(Float2) const
Vec2 movedBy(Vec2) const
Point& moveBy(int32, int32)
Point& moveBy(Point)
double length() const
double lengthSq() const
int32 manhattanLength() const
int32 manhattanDistanceFrom(int32, int32) const
int32 manhattanDistanceFrom(Point) const
double distanceFrom(double, double) const
double distanceFrom(Point) const
double distanceFrom(Float2) const
double distanceFrom(Vec2) const
double distanceFromSq(double, double) const
double distanceFromSq(Point) const
double distanceFromSq(Float2) const
double distanceFromSq(Vec2) const
int32 area() const
double getAngle() const
float getAngle(Float2) const
double getAngle(Vec2) const
Point getPerpendicularCW() const
Point getPerpendicularCCW() const
Vec2 getMidpoint(Point) const
Float2 getMidpoint(Float2) const
Vec2 getMidpoint(Vec2) const
Vec2 getPointByAngleAndDistance(double, double) const
Vec2 lerp(Point, double) const
Float2 lerp(Float2, double) const
Vec2 lerp(Vec2, double) const
Circle asCircle(double) const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
size_t hash() const
Point xx() const
Point xy() const
Point yx() const
Point yy() const
Point x0() const
Point y0() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Point Zero()
Point One()
Point All(int32 value = 1)
Point UnitX()
Point UnitY()
Point Left(int32 length = 1)
Point Right(int32 length = 1)
Point Up(int32 length = 1)
Point Down(int32 length = 1)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Polygon(const Polygon& in)
Polygon(const Shape2D& in)
Polygon(const Vec2& in) {repeat Vec2}
const Polygon& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Polygon& paint(Image& inout, double, double, const Color& in) const
const Polygon& paint(Image& inout, const Vec2& in, const Color& in) const
const Polygon& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in, bool antialiased = Antialiased::Yes) const
bool isEmpty() const
bool hasHoles() const
size_t num_holes() const
void swap(Polygon& inout)
Array<Vec2>@ outer() const
Array<Float2>@ vertices() const
Array<TriangleIndex>@ indices() const
const RectF& boundingRect() const
size_t num_triangles() const
Triangle triangle(size_t) const
Polygon& addHole(const Array<Vec2>& in, bool skipValidation = SkipValidation::No) const
Polygon movedBy(double, double) const
Polygon movedBy(Vec2) const
Polygon& moveBy(double, double)
Polygon& moveBy(Vec2)
Polygon rotated(double) const
Polygon rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
Polygon rotatedAt(Vec2, double) const
Polygon& rotate(double)
Polygon& rotateAt(double, double, double)
Polygon& rotateAt(Vec2, double)
Polygon transformed(double s, double c, const Vec2& in) const
Polygon& transform(double s, double c, const Vec2& in)
Polygon scaled(double s) const
Polygon scaled(double sx, double sy) const
Polygon scaled(Vec2) const
Polygon& scale(double s)
Polygon& scale(double sx, double sy)
Polygon& scale(Vec2)
Polygon scaledAt(Vec2, double s) const
Polygon scaledAt(Vec2, double sx, double sy) const
Polygon scaledAt(Vec2, Vec2) const
Polygon& scaleAt(Vec2, double s)
Polygon& scaleAt(Vec2, double sx, double sy)
Polygon& scaleAt(Vec2, Vec2)
double area() const
double perimeter() const
Vec2 centroid() const
Polygon computeConvexHull() const
Polygon calculateBuffer(double) const
Polygon calculateRoundBuffer(double) const
Polygon simplified(double maxDistance = 2.0) const
LineString outline(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString outline(double, double) const
bool append(const RectF& in)
bool append(const Polygon& in)
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Circle& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool contains(const Polygon& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const Polygon& draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
void draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
void draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
void drawTransformed(double angle, const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Polygon& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Polygon& drawWireframe(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Print (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
PrintBuffer@ f()
Print (No namespace)()
Print (No namespace)()
- Global Property -
const Print_impl Print
- Global Function -
void ClearPrint()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
int32 FPS()
void EnableAssetCreationWarning(bool)
- Enum Value -
#PutText (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
void PutText(const String& in, double, double)
void PutText(const String& in, Vec2)
void PutText(const String& in, Arg::topLeft_Vec2)
void PutText(const String& in, Arg::center_Vec2)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 p0
Vec2 p1
Vec2 p2
Vec2 p3
- Object Method -
Quad(const Quad& in)
Quad(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3)
Quad(const Vec2 &in, const Vec2 &in, const Vec2 &in, const Vec2 &in)
Quad(const Rect &in) explicit
Quad(const RectF &in) explicit
const Quad& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Quad& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in, bool antialiased = Antialiased::Yes) const
const Quad& paintFrame(Image& inout, int32, const Color& in) const
Quad& set(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)
Quad& set(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Quad& set(const Quad& in)
Quad movedBy(double, double) const
Quad movedBy(Vec2) const
Quad& moveBy(double, double)
Quad& moveBy(Vec2)
Quad stretched(double) const
Quad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
Quad rotatedAt(Vec2, double) const
Quad scaled(double) const
Quad scaled(double, double) const
Quad scaled(Vec2) const
Quad& scale(double)
Quad& scale(double, double)
Quad& scale(Vec2)
Quad scaledAt(Vec2, double) const
Quad scaledAt(Vec2, double, double) const
Quad scaledAt(Vec2, Vec2) const
Quad& scaleAt(Vec2, double)
Quad& scaleAt(Vec2, double, double)
Quad& scaleAt(Vec2, Vec2)
Vec2& p(size_t)
const Vec2& p(size_t) const
Vec2 point(size_t) const
Line side(size_t) const
Triangle triangle(size_t) const
double area() const
double perimeter() const
RectF boundingRect() const
Polygon calculateBuffer(double) const
Polygon calculateRoundBuffer(double) const
LineString outline(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString outline(double, double) const
Polygon asPolygon() const
Quad lerp(const Quad& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Line& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const Quad& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Quad& draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
const Quad& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Random (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
void Reseed(uint64)
double Random()
uint8 Random(uint8, uint8)
uint16 Random(uint16, uint16)
uint32 Random(uint32, uint32)
uint64 Random(uint64, uint64)
int8 Random(int8, int8)
int16 Random(int16, int16)
int32 Random(int32, int32)
int64 Random(int64, int64)
float Random(float, float)
double Random(double, double)
uint8 Random(uint8)
uint16 Random(uint16)
uint32 Random(uint32)
uint64 Random(uint64)
int8 Random(int8)
int16 Random(int16)
int32 Random(int32)
int64 Random(int64)
float Random(float)
double Random(double)
uint8 RandomOpen(uint8, uint8)
uint16 RandomOpen(uint16, uint16)
uint32 RandomOpen(uint32, uint32)
uint64 RandomOpen(uint64, uint64)
int8 RandomOpen(int8, int8)
int16 RandomOpen(int16, int16)
int32 RandomOpen(int32, int32)
int64 RandomOpen(int64, int64)
float RandomOpen(float, float)
double RandomOpen(double, double)
uint8 RandomClosed(uint8, uint8)
uint16 RandomClosed(uint16, uint16)
uint32 RandomClosed(uint32, uint32)
uint64 RandomClosed(uint64, uint64)
int8 RandomClosed(int8, int8)
int16 RandomClosed(int16, int16)
int32 RandomClosed(int32, int32)
int64 RandomClosed(int64, int64)
float RandomClosed(float, float)
double RandomClosed(double, double)
uint8 RandomOpenClosed(uint8, uint8)
uint16 RandomOpenClosed(uint16, uint16)
uint32 RandomOpenClosed(uint32, uint32)
uint64 RandomOpenClosed(uint64, uint64)
int8 RandomOpenClosed(int8, int8)
int16 RandomOpenClosed(int16, int16)
int32 RandomOpenClosed(int32, int32)
int64 RandomOpenClosed(int64, int64)
float RandomOpenClosed(float, float)
double RandomOpenClosed(double, double)
uint8 RandomClosedOpen(uint8, uint8)
uint16 RandomClosedOpen(uint16, uint16)
uint32 RandomClosedOpen(uint32, uint32)
uint64 RandomClosedOpen(uint64, uint64)
int8 RandomClosedOpen(int8, int8)
int16 RandomClosedOpen(int16, int16)
int32 RandomClosedOpen(int32, int32)
int64 RandomClosedOpen(int64, int64)
float RandomClosedOpen(float, float)
double RandomClosedOpen(double, double)
bool RandomBool(double p = 0.5)
uint8 RandomUint8()
uint16 RandomUint16()
uint32 RandomUint32()
uint64 RandomUint64()
int8 RandomInt8()
int16 RandomInt16()
int32 RandomInt32()
int64 RandomInt64()
Duration Random(const Duration& in)
Duration Random(const Duration& in, const Duration& in)
Color RandomColor()
Color RandomColor(const Point& in rMinMax, const Point& in gMinMax, const Point& in bMinMax)
ColorF RandomColorF()
ColorF RandomColorF(const Vec2& in rMinMax, const Vec2& in gMinMax, const Vec2& in bMinMax)
HSV RandomHSV()
HSV RandomHSV(const Vec2& in hMinMax, const Vec2& in sMinMax, const Vec2& in vMinMax)
Point RandomPoint(const Point& in xMinMax, const Point& in yMinMax)
Point RandomPoint(const Rect& in)
Point RandomPoint(int32 xMax, int32 yMax)
Vec2 RandomVec2()
Vec2 RandomVec2(double)
Vec2 RandomVec2(double, const Vec2& in yMinMax)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const Vec2& in xMinMax, double)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const Vec2& in xMinMax, const Vec2& in yMinMax)
Vec2 RandomVec2(double, double)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const Line& in)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const Circle& in)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const RectF& in)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const Triangle& in)
Vec2 RandomVec2(const Quad& in)
Vec3 RandomVec3()
Vec3 RandomVec3onUnitSphere()
Vec3 RandomVec3insideUnitSphere()
Vec3 RandomVec3(double)
Vec3 RandomVec3(double, double, const Vec2& in zMinMax)
Vec3 RandomVec3(double, const Vec2& in yMinMax, double)
Vec3 RandomVec3(const Vec2& in xMinMax, double, double)
Vec3 RandomVec3(double, const Vec2& in yMinMax, const Vec2& in zMinMax)
Vec3 RandomVec3(const Vec2& in xMinMax, double, const Vec2& in zMinMax)
Vec3 RandomVec3(const Vec2& in xMinMax, const Vec2& in yMinMax, double)
Vec3 RandomVec3(const Vec2& in xMinMax, const Vec2& in yMinMax, const Vec2& in zMinMax)
Vec3 RandomVec3(double, double, double)
Vec4 RandomVec4(double, double, double, double)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
uint64 cycles() const
void log() const
void console() const
void print() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
int32 x
int32 y
int32 w
int32 h
Point pos
Point size
- Object Method -
Rect(const Rect& in)
Rect(int32 size) explicit
Rect(int32 w, int32 h)
Rect(const Point& in) explicit
Rect(int32 x, int32 y, int32 size)
Rect(int32 x, int32 y, int32 w, int32 h)
Rect(int32 x, int32 y, const Point& in)
Rect(const Point& in, int32 size)
Rect(const Point& in, int32 w, int32 h)
Rect(const Point& in, const Point& in)
Rect(Arg::center_Vec2, int32 size)
Rect(Arg::center_Vec2, int32 w, int32 h)
Rect(Arg::center_Vec2, const Point& in)
const Rect& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Rect& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Rect& paintFrame(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Rect& overwriteFrame(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
Rect& setPos(int32, int32)
Rect& setPos(Point)
Rect& setCenter(int32, int32)
Rect& setCenter(Point)
Rect& setSize(int32, int32)
Rect& setSize(Point)
Rect& set(int32, int32, int32, int32)
Rect& set(int32, int32, int32)
Rect& set(int32, int32, Point)
Rect& set(Point, int32)
Rect& set(Point, int32, int32)
Rect& set(Point, Point)
Rect& set(const Rect& in)
Rect movedBy(int32, int32) const
Rect movedBy(Point) const
Rect& moveBy(int32, int32)
Rect& moveBy(Point)
Rect stretched(int32) const
Rect stretched(int32, int32) const
Rect stretched(Point) const
Rect stretched(int32, int32, int32, int32) const
RectF scaled(double) const
RectF scaled(double, double) const
RectF scaled(Vec2) const
RectF scaledAt(Vec2, double) const
RectF scaledAt(Vec2, double, double) const
RectF scaledAt(Vec2, Vec2) const
bool hasArea() const
Point tl() const
Point tr() const
Point bl() const
Point br() const
Vec2 topCenter() const
Vec2 rightCenter() const
Vec2 bottomCenter() const
Vec2 leftCenter() const
Vec2 center() const
Line top() const
Line right() const
Line bottom() const
Line left() const
Point point(size_t) const
Line side(size_t) const
Triangle triangle(size_t) const
int32 area() const
int32 perimeter() const
Quad rotated(double) const
Quad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
Quad rotatedAt(Vec2, double) const
Quad shearedX(double) const
Quad shearedY(double) const
RoundRect rounded(double) const
Polygon rounded(double, double, double, double) const
Quad asQuad() const
LineString outline(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString outline(double, double) const
Polygon asPolygon() const
RectF lerp(const Rect& in, double) const
RectF lerp(const RectF& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Line& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Circle& in) const
bool contains(const Ellipse& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool contains(const RoundRect& in) const
bool contains(const Polygon& in) const
bool contains(const LineString& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const Rect& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Rect& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Rect& drawFrame(double inner, double outer, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Rect FromPoints(Point, Point)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double sourceRadius
double width
double height
bool randomDirection
bool fromShell
- Object Method -
RectEmitter2D(const RectEmitter2D&in)
Emission2D emit(const Vec2&, double)
void drawDebug(const Vec2&)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
double w
double h
Vec2 pos
Vec2 size
- Object Method -
RectF(const RectF& in)
RectF(const Rect& in)
RectF(double size) explicit
RectF(double w, double h)
RectF(const Vec2& in) explicit
RectF(double x, double y, double size)
RectF(double x, double y, double w, double h)
RectF(double x, double y, const Vec2& in)
RectF(const Vec2& in, double size)
RectF(const Vec2& in, double w, double h)
RectF(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
RectF(Arg::center_Vec2, int32 size)
RectF(Arg::center_Vec2, int32 w, int32 h)
RectF(Arg::center_Vec2, const Point& in)
const RectF& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const RectF& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const RectF& paintFrame(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const RectF& overwriteFrame(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
RectF& setPos(double, double)
RectF& setPos(Vec2)
RectF& setCenter(double, double)
RectF& setCenter(Vec2)
RectF& setSize(double, double)
RectF& setSize(Vec2)
RectF& set(double, double, double, double)
RectF& set(double, double, double)
RectF& set(double, double, Vec2)
RectF& set(Vec2, double)
RectF& set(Vec2, double, double)
RectF& set(Vec2, Vec2)
RectF& set(const Rect& in)
RectF& set(const RectF& in)
RectF movedBy(double, double) const
RectF movedBy(Vec2) const
RectF& moveBy(double, double)
RectF& moveBy(Vec2)
RectF stretched(double) const
RectF stretched(double, double) const
RectF stretched(Vec2) const
RectF stretched(double, double, double, double) const
RectF scaled(double) const
RectF scaled(double, double) const
RectF scaled(Vec2) const
RectF scaledAt(Vec2, double) const
RectF scaledAt(Vec2, double, double) const
RectF scaledAt(Vec2, Vec2) const
bool hasArea() const
Vec2 tl() const
Vec2 tr() const
Vec2 bl() const
Vec2 br() const
Vec2 topCenter() const
Vec2 rightCenter() const
Vec2 bottomCenter() const
Vec2 leftCenter() const
Vec2 center() const
Line top() const
Line right() const
Line bottom() const
Line left() const
Vec2 point(size_t) const
Line side(size_t) const
Triangle triangle(size_t) const
double area() const
double perimeter() const
Quad rotated(double) const
Quad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
Quad rotatedAt(Vec2, double) const
Quad shearedX(double) const
Quad shearedY(double) const
RoundRect rounded(double) const
Polygon rounded(double, double, double, double) const
Rect asRect() const
Quad asQuad() const
LineString outline(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString outline(double, double) const
Polygon asPolygon() const
RectF lerp(const RectF& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Line& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Circle& in) const
bool contains(const Ellipse& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool contains(const RoundRect& in) const
bool contains(const Polygon& in) const
bool contains(const LineString& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const RectF& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const RectF& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const RectF& drawFrame(double inner, double outer, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
RectF FromPoints(Vec2, Vec2)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
RenderTexture(const RenderTexture& in)
RenderTexture(uint32, uint32, const TextureFormat& in format, bool depth = false)
RenderTexture(uint32, uint32, bool depth)
RenderTexture(const Point&in, const TextureFormat& in format, bool depth = false)
RenderTexture(const Point&in, bool depth)
RenderTexture(const Image& in, bool depth = false)
const RenderTexture& clear(const ColorF& in) const
void readAsImage(Image& in) const
void swap(RenderTexture& inout)
void release()
bool isEmpty() const
int32 width() const
int32 height() const
Point size() const
bool isMipped() const
bool srgbSampling() const
bool isSDF() const
bool hasDepth() const
Rect region(int32, int32) const
Rect region(Point = Point(0, 0)) const
RectF region(double, double) const
RectF region(Vec2) const
RectF regionAt(double, double) const
RectF regionAt(Vec2) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
RectF draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAtClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
TextureRegion uv(double, double, double, double) const
TextureRegion uv(const RectF& in) const
TextureRegion mirrored() const
TextureRegion mirrored(bool) const
TextureRegion flipped() const
TextureRegion flipped(bool) const
TextureRegion scaled(double) const
TextureRegion scaled(double, double) const
TextureRegion scaled(Vec2) const
TextureRegion resized(double) const
TextureRegion resized(double, double) const
TextureRegion resized(Vec2) const
TextureRegion repeated(double, double) const
TextureRegion repeated(Vec2) const
TextureRegion mapped(double, double) const
TextureRegion mapped(Vec2) const
TextureRegion fitted(double, double, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TextureRegion fitted(const Vec2& in, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TexturedQuad rotated(double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(const Vec2& in, double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double, double, double, double, double) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Resource (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
String Resource(const String& in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
double w
double h
double r
RectF rect
- Object Method -
RoundRect(const RoundRect& in)
RoundRect(double _x, double _y, double _w, double _h, double _r)
RoundRect(const Vec2 &in, double _w, double _h, double _r)
RoundRect(double _x, double _y, const Vec2 &in, double _r)
RoundRect(const Vec2 &in, double size, double r)
RoundRect(const Vec2 &in, const Vec2 &in, double r)
RoundRect(const RectF &in, double r)
const RoundRect& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const RoundRect& paintFrame(Image& inout, int32, int32, const Color& in) const
RoundRect& set(double, double, double, double, double)
RoundRect& set(const Vec2& in, double, double, double)
RoundRect& set(double, double, const Vec2& in, double)
RoundRect& set(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, double)
RoundRect& set(const RectF& in, double)
RoundRect& set(const RoundRect& in)
RoundRect& setPos(double, double)
RoundRect& setPos(Vec2)
RoundRect& setCenter(double, double)
RoundRect& setCenter(Vec2)
RoundRect& setSize(double, double)
RoundRect& setSize(Vec2)
RoundRect movedBy(double, double) const
RoundRect movedBy(Vec2) const
RoundRect& moveBy(double, double)
RoundRect& moveBy(Vec2)
RoundRect stretched(double) const
RoundRect stretched(double, double) const
RoundRect stretched(Vec2) const
RoundRect stretched(double, double, double, double) const
Vec2 topCenter() const
Vec2 rightCenter() const
Vec2 bottomCenter() const
Vec2 leftCenter() const
Vec2 center() const
double area() const
double perimeter() const
Polygon asPolygon(uint32 quality = 24) const
RoundRect lerp(const RoundRect& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const RoundRect& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const RoundRect& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
RoundRect(Arg::center_Vec2, double, double, double)
RoundRect(Arg::center_Vec2, const Vec2&in, double)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
SayBuffer@ f()
- Global Property -
const Say_impl Say
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const Point DefaultSceneSize
const ResizeMode DefaultResizeMode
const ColorF DefaultBackgroundColor
const ColorF DefaultLetterBoxColor
const double DefaultMaxDeltaTime
- Global Function -
void Resize(Point)
void Resize(int32, int32)
Point Size()
int32 Width()
int32 Height()
Point Center()
Vec2 CenterF()
Rect Rect()
void SetResizeMode(ResizeMode)
ResizeMode GetResizeMode()
void SetBackground(const ColorF& in)
const ColorF& GetBackground()
void SetLetterbox(const ColorF& in)
const ColorF& GetLetterBox()
void SetMaxDeltaTime(double)
double GetMaxDeltaTime()
double DeltaTime()
double Time()
int32 FrameCount()
Vec2 ClientToScene(Vec2)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool ChangeScene(const String&in, double = 1.0)
void SetFadeColor(const ColorF&in)
ColorF GetFadeColor()
void SetFilterColor(const ColorF&in)
ColorF GetFilterColor()
void SetReloadKeyF5(bool)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
ScopedRenderTarget2D(const RenderTexture&in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
ScopedViewport2D(const Optional<Rect>& in) explicit
ScopedViewport2D(const Rect& in) explicit
ScopedViewport2D(None_t) explicit
ScopedViewport2D(int32, int32, int32, int32)
ScopedViewport2D(const Point& in, int32, int32)
ScopedViewport2D(int32, int32, const Point& in)
ScopedViewport2D(const Point& in, const Point& in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Shape2D(const Shape2D& in)
Shape2D(const Array<Float2>& in, const Array<TriangleIndex>& in)
const Shape2D& draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Shape2D& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
const Shape2D& drawWireframe(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Polygon asPolygon() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Shape2D Cross(double r, double width, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Plus(double r, double width, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Pentagon(double r, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Hexagon(double r, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Ngon(uint32 n, double r, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Star(double r, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Arrow(const Vec2& in from, const Vec2& in to, double width, const Vec2& in headSize)
Shape2D Arrow(const Line& in line, double width, const Vec2& in headSize)
Shape2D DoubleHeadedArrow(const Line& in line, double width, const Vec2& in headSize)
Shape2D Rhombus(double w, double h, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D RectBalloon(const RectF& in rect, const Vec2& in target, double pointingRootRatio = 0.5)
Shape2D Stairs(const Vec2& in base, double w, double h, int32 steps, bool upStairs = true)
Shape2D Heart(double r, const Vec2& in center = Vec2(0, 0), double angle = 0.0)
Shape2D Squircle(double r, const Vec2& in center, uint32 quality)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
RectF HeadlineRegion(const String& in, const Vec2& in, double width)
RectF HeadlineRegion(const String& in, const Vec2& in, None_t = unspecified)
void Headline(const String& in, const Vec2& in, double width, bool enabled = true)
void Headline(const String& in, const Vec2& in, None_t = unspecified, bool enabled = true)
bool Button(const String& in, const Vec2& in, double width, bool enabled = true)
bool Button(const String& in, const Vec2& in, None_t = unspecified, bool enabled = true)
bool CheckBox(bool& inout, const String& in, const Vec2& in, double width, bool enabled = true)
bool TextBox(TextEditState& inout, const Vec2&in, double width, size_t, bool enabled = true)
bool ColorPicker(HSV& inout, const Vec2& in, bool enabled = true)
bool Slider(double&inout, const Vec2&in, const ColorF&in, double = 120.0, bool = true)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Spline2D(const LineString& in)
Spline2D(const Array<Vec2>& in, double tension = 0.0) explicit
Spline2D(const LineString& in, double tension = 0.0) explicit
Spline2D(const Array<Vec2>& in, bool closeRing, double tension = 0.0) explicit
Spline2D(const LineString& in, bool closeRing, double tension = 0.0) explicit
size_t size() const
bool isEmpty() const
bool isRing() const
void clear()
RectF fastBoundingRect(size_t) const
RectF boundingRect(size_t) const
double length(size_t i, double maxError = 0.01) const
double length(size_t i, double t0, double t1, double maxError = 0.01) const
Vec2 position(size_t, double) const
Vec2 velocity(size_t, double) const
Vec2 boundingRect(size_t, double) const
double curvature(size_t, double) const
LineString asLineString(int32 quality = 24) const
Polygon calculateRoundBuffer(double distance, int32 quality = 24, int32 bufferQuality = 24) const
const Spline2D& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White, int32 quality = 24) const
const Spline2D& draw(double, const ColorF& in = Palette::White, int32 quality = 24) const
void swap(Spline2D& inout)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Stopwatch(bool startImmediately) explicit
Stopwatch(const Duration& in, bool startImmediately = false) explicit
bool isStarted() const
bool isPaused() const
bool isRunning() const
void start()
void pause()
void resume()
void reset()
void restart()
void set(const Duration& in)
int32 d() const
int64 d64() const
double dF() const
int32 h() const
int64 h64() const
double hF() const
int32 min() const
int64 min64() const
double minF() const
int32 s() const
int64 s64() const
double sF() const
int32 ms() const
int64 ms64() const
double msF() const
int64 us() const
int64 us64() const
double usF() const
Duration elapsed() const
String format(const String& in format = "H:mm:ss.xx")
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
String(const String &in)
String &opAssign(const String &in)
String &opAddAssign(const String &in)
char32 &opIndex(uint)
const char32 &opIndex(uint) const
uint size() const
uint length() const
void resize(uint)
bool empty() const
bool isEmpty() const
String substr(uint start = 0, int count = -1) const
void insert(uint pos, const String &in other)
void erase(uint pos, int count = -1)
int indexOf(const String &in, uint start = 0) const
int lastIndexOf(const String &in, int start = -1) const
int indexOfAny(const String &in, uint start = 0) const
int indexNotOfAny(const String &in, uint start = 0) const
int lastIndexOfAny(const String &in, int start = -1) const
int lastIndexNotOfAny(const String &in, int start = -1) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
size_t GetCurrentMonitorIndex()
bool Update()
void Exit()
void SetTerminationTriggers(uint32)
uint32 GetTerminationTriggers()
uint32 GetUserActions()
void Sleep(int32)
void Sleep(const Duration& in)
bool LaunchBrowser(const String& in)
bool ShowInFileManager(const String& in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
String text
size_t cursorPos
bool active
Stopwatch leftPressStopwatch
Stopwatch rightPressStopwatch
Stopwatch cursorStopwatch
- Object Method -
TextEditState(const TextEditState& in)
TextEditState(const String& in) explicit
void clear() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
String GetRawInput()
size_t UpdateText(String& inout, size_t, TextInputMode mode = TextInputMode::Default)
void UpdateText(String& inout, TextInputMode mode = TextInputMode::Default)
String GetEditingText()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
TextStyle(const TextStyle& in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
TextStyle Default()
TextStyle CustomShader()
TextStyle Outline(double, const ColorF& in)
TextStyle Outline(double, double, const ColorF& in)
TextStyle Shadow(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in)
TextStyle OutlineShadow(double, const ColorF& in, const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in)
TextStyle OutlineShadow(double, double, const ColorF& in, const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool HasLanguage(LanguageCode)
void SetDefaultLanguage(LanguageCode)
LanguageCode GetDefaultLanguage()
bool Speak(const String& in, LanguageCode languageCode = LanguageCode::Unspecified)
bool IsSpeaking()
void Pause()
void Resume()
void SetVolume(double)
double GetVolume()
void SetSpeed(double)
double GetSpeed()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Texture(const Texture& in)
Texture(const Image& in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped) explicit
Texture(const String& in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped) explicit
Texture(const String& in, const String& in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
Texture(const Color& in, const String& in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
Texture(const Emoji& in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Mipped) explicit
Texture(const Icon& in, int32 size, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Mipped) explicit
void release()
bool isEmpty() const
int32 width() const
int32 height() const
Point size() const
bool isMipped() const
bool srgbSampling() const
bool isSDF() const
bool hasDepth() const
Rect region(int32, int32) const
Rect region(Point = Point(0, 0)) const
RectF region(double, double) const
RectF region(Vec2) const
RectF regionAt(double, double) const
RectF regionAt(Vec2) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
RectF draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAtClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
TextureRegion uv(double, double, double, double) const
TextureRegion uv(const RectF& in) const
TextureRegion mirrored() const
TextureRegion mirrored(bool) const
TextureRegion flipped() const
TextureRegion flipped(bool) const
TextureRegion scaled(double) const
TextureRegion scaled(double, double) const
TextureRegion scaled(Vec2) const
TextureRegion resized(double) const
TextureRegion resized(double, double) const
TextureRegion resized(Vec2) const
TextureRegion repeated(double, double) const
TextureRegion repeated(Vec2) const
TextureRegion mapped(double, double) const
TextureRegion mapped(Vec2) const
TextureRegion fitted(double, double, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TextureRegion fitted(const Vec2& in, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TexturedQuad rotated(double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(const Vec2& in, double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double, double, double, double, double) const
void swap(Texture& inout)
RectF draw(Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
bool Register(const String&in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
bool Register(const String&in, const String&in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
bool Register(const String&in, const Emoji&in, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Mipped)
bool Register(const String&in, const Icon&in, int32, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped)
bool IsRegistered(const String&in)
bool Load(const String&in)
void LoadAsync(const String&in)
void Wait(const String&in)
bool IsReady(const String&in)
void Release(const String&in)
void ReleaseAll()
void Unregister(const String&in)
void UnregisterAll()
Texture Data(const String&in)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Circle circle
Texture texture
FloatRect uvRect
- Object Method -
TexturedCircle(const TexturedCircle& in)
TexturedCircle(const Texture& in, float, float, float, float, const Circle& in)
TexturedCircle(const Texture& in, const FloatRect& in, const Circle& in)
const Circle& draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Circle draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Circle draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Quad quad
Texture texture
FloatRect uvRect
Float2 center
- Object Method -
TexturedQuad(const TexturedQuad& in)
const Quad& draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Quad draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Quad draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Quad drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
Quad drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
RoundRect rect
Texture texture
FloatRect uvRect
- Object Method -
TexturedRoundRect(const TexturedRoundRect& in)
TexturedRoundRect(const Texture& in, float, float, float, float, const RoundRect& in)
TexturedRoundRect(const Texture& in, const FloatRect& in, const RoundRect& in)
const RoundRect& draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RoundRect draw(double, double, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RoundRect draw(const Vec2& in,const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RoundRect drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RoundRect drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
TextureFormat(const TextureFormat &in)
int32 DXGIFormat() const
int32 GLInternalFormat() const
int32 GLFormat() const
int32 GLType() const
uint32 pixelSize() const
uint32 num_channels() const
bool isSRGB() const
- Global Property -
const TexturePixelFormat Unknown
const TexturePixelFormat R8G8B8A8_Unorm
const TexturePixelFormat R8G8B8A8_Unorm_SRGB
const TexturePixelFormat R16G16_Float
const TexturePixelFormat R32_Float
const TexturePixelFormat R10G10B10A2_Unorm
const TexturePixelFormat R11G11B10_UFloat
const TexturePixelFormat R16G16B16A16_Float
const TexturePixelFormat R32G32_Float
const TexturePixelFormat R32G32B32A32_Float
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Texture texture
FloatRect uvRect
Float2 size
- Object Method -
TextureRegion(const TextureRegion& in)
TextureRegion(const Texture& in)
RectF region(double, double) const
RectF region(Vec2 pos = Vec2(0, 0)) const
RectF regionAt(double, double) const
RectF regionAt(Vec2) const
TextureRegion stretched(double, double) const
TextureRegion stretched(Vec2) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
RectF draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAtClipped(const Vec2& in, const RectF& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
TextureRegion mirrored() const
TextureRegion mirrored(bool) const
TextureRegion flipped() const
TextureRegion flipped(bool) const
TextureRegion scaled(double) const
TextureRegion scaled(double, double) const
TextureRegion scaled(Vec2) const
TextureRegion resized(double) const
TextureRegion resized(double, double) const
TextureRegion resized(Vec2) const
TextureRegion fitted(double, double, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TextureRegion fitted(Vec2, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TexturedQuad rotated(double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(const Vec2& in, double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double) const
RectF draw(Arg::center_Vec2, const ColorF&in = Palette::White)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
size_t GetConcurrency()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
uint64 GetSec()
uint64 GetMillisec()
uint64 GetMicrosec()
uint64 GetNanosec()
uint64 GetSecSinceEpoch()
uint64 GetMillisecSinceEpoch()
uint64 GetMicrosecSinceEpoch()
uint64 UTCOffsetMinutes()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
TimeEvent(const TimeEvent&in)
TimeEvent(double, double)
void reset()
double s()
double t()
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Timer(const Duration& in, bool startImmediately = false) explicit
bool isStarted() const
bool isPaused() const
bool isRunning() const
bool reachedZero() const
void start()
void pause()
void resume()
void reset()
void restart()
void restart(const Duration& in)
void set(const Duration& in)
void setRemaining(const Duration& in)
int32 d() const
int64 d64() const
double dF() const
int32 h() const
int64 h64() const
double hF() const
int32 min() const
int64 min64() const
double minF() const
int32 s() const
int64 s64() const
double sF() const
int32 ms() const
int64 ms64() const
double msF() const
int64 us() const
int64 us64() const
double usF() const
Duration duration() const
Duration remaining() const
double progress1_0() const
double progress0_1() const
String format(const String& in format = "H:mm:ss.xx")
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Transformer2D@ f()
Transformer2D@ f(const Mat3x2& in, Transformer2D::Target)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
Vec2 p0
Vec2 p1
Vec2 p2
- Object Method -
Triangle(const Triangle& in)
Triangle(double sides) explicit
Triangle(double sides, double angle)
Triangle(double x, double y, double sides)
Triangle(const Vec2& in, double sides)
Triangle(double x, double y, double sides, double angle)
Triangle(const Vec2& in, double sides, double angle)
Triangle(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2)
Triangle(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
const Triangle& paint(Image& inout, const Color& in) const
const Triangle& overwrite(Image& inout, const Color& in, bool antialiased = Antialiased::Yes) const
const Triangle& paintFrame(Image& inout, int32, const Color& in) const
Triangle& set(double, double, double, double, double, double)
Triangle& set(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Triangle& set(const Triangle& in)
Triangle movedBy(double, double) const
Triangle movedBy(Vec2) const
Triangle& moveBy(double, double)
Triangle& moveBy(Vec2)
Triangle& setCentroid(double, double)
Triangle& setCentroid(Vec2)
Vec2 centroid() const
Triangle stretched(double) const
Triangle rotated(double) const
Triangle rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
Triangle rotatedAt(Vec2, double) const
Triangle scaled(double) const
Triangle scaled(double, double) const
Triangle scaled(Vec2) const
Triangle& scale(double)
Triangle& scale(double, double)
Triangle& scale(Vec2)
Triangle scaledAt(Vec2, double) const
Triangle scaledAt(Vec2, double, double) const
Triangle scaledAt(Vec2, Vec2) const
Triangle& scaleAt(Vec2, double)
Triangle& scaleAt(Vec2, double, double)
Triangle& scaleAt(Vec2, Vec2)
Vec2& p(size_t)
const Vec2& p(size_t) const
Vec2 point(size_t) const
Line side(size_t) const
double area() const
double perimeter() const
RectF boundingRect() const
Circle getInscribedCircle() const
Polygon calculateBuffer(double) const
Polygon calculateRoundBuffer(double) const
LineString outline(bool closeRing = CloseRing::No) const
LineString outline(double, double) const
Polygon asPolygon() const
Triangle lerp(const Triangle& in, double) const
size_t hash() const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
bool intersects(const LineString& in) const
bool contains(const Point& in) const
bool contains(const Vec2& in) const
bool contains(const Line& in) const
bool contains(const Rect& in) const
bool contains(const RectF& in) const
bool contains(const Triangle& in) const
bool contains(const Quad& in) const
bool leftClicked() const
bool leftPressed() const
bool leftReleased() const
bool rightClicked() const
bool rightPressed() const
bool rightReleased() const
bool mouseOver() const
const Triangle& draw(const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
const Triangle& draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
const Triangle& drawFrame(double thickness = 1.0, const ColorF& in = Palette::White) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
uint16 i0
uint16 i1
uint16 i2
- Object Method -
TriangleIndex(const TriangleIndex &in)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const uint32 CloseButtonClicked
const uint32 EscapeKeyDown
const uint32 WindowDeactivated
const uint32 AnyKeyDown
const uint32 MouseButtonDown
const uint32 AnyKeyOrMouseDown
const uint32 Default
const uint32 NoAction
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
#Utility (No namespace)
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
uint8 Max(uint8, uint8)
uint16 Max(uint16, uint16)
uint32 Max(uint32, uint32)
uint64 Max(uint64, uint64)
int8 Max(int8, int8)
int16 Max(int16, int16)
int32 Max(int32, int32)
int64 Max(int64, int64)
float Max(float, float)
double Max(double, double)
uint8 Min(uint8, uint8)
uint16 Min(uint16, uint16)
uint32 Min(uint32, uint32)
uint64 Min(uint64, uint64)
int8 Min(int8, int8)
int16 Min(int16, int16)
int32 Min(int32, int32)
int64 Min(int64, int64)
float Min(float, float)
double Min(double, double)
uint8 Clamp(uint8, uint8, uint8)
uint16 Clamp(uint16, uint16, uint16)
uint32 Clamp(uint32, uint32, uint32)
uint64 Clamp(uint64, uint64, uint64)
int8 Clamp(int8, int8, int8)
int16 Clamp(int16, int16, int16)
int32 Clamp(int32, int32, int32)
int64 Clamp(int64, int64, int64)
float Clamp(float, float, float)
double Clamp(double, double, double)
bool InRange(uint8, uint8, uint8)
bool InRange(uint16, uint16, uint16)
bool InRange(uint32, uint32, uint32)
bool InRange(uint64, uint64, uint64)
bool InRange(int8, int8, int8)
bool InRange(int16, int16, int16)
bool InRange(int32, int32, int32)
bool InRange(int64, int64, int64)
bool InRange(float, float, float)
bool InRange(double, double, double)
bool InOpenRange(uint8, uint8, uint8)
bool InOpenRange(uint16, uint16, uint16)
bool InOpenRange(uint32, uint32, uint32)
bool InOpenRange(uint64, uint64, uint64)
bool InOpenRange(int8, int8, int8)
bool InOpenRange(int16, int16, int16)
bool InOpenRange(int32, int32, int32)
bool InOpenRange(int64, int64, int64)
bool InOpenRange(float, float, float)
bool InOpenRange(double, double, double)
int8 Abs(int8)
int16 Abs(int16)
int32 Abs(int32)
int64 Abs(int64)
float Abs(float)
double Abs(double)
uint8 AbsDiff(uint8, uint8)
uint16 AbsDiff(uint16, uint16)
uint32 AbsDiff(uint32, uint32)
uint64 AbsDiff(uint64, uint64)
int8 AbsDiff(int8, int8)
int16 AbsDiff(int16, int16)
int32 AbsDiff(int32, int32)
int64 AbsDiff(int64, int64)
float AbsDiff(float, float)
double AbsDiff(double, double)
bool IsOdd(uint8)
bool IsOdd(uint16)
bool IsOdd(uint32)
bool IsOdd(uint64)
bool IsOdd(int8)
bool IsOdd(int16)
bool IsOdd(int32)
bool IsOdd(int64)
bool IsEven(uint8)
bool IsEven(uint16)
bool IsEven(uint32)
bool IsEven(uint64)
bool IsEven(int8)
bool IsEven(int16)
bool IsEven(int32)
bool IsEven(int64)
void swap(uint8&, uint8&)
void swap(uint16&, uint16&)
void swap(uint32&, uint32&)
void swap(uint64&, uint64&)
void swap(int8&, int8&)
void swap(int16&, int16&)
void swap(int32&, int32&)
void swap(int64&, int64&)
void swap(float&, float&)
void swap(double&, double&)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
VariableSpeedStopwatch(bool startImmediately) explicit
VariableSpeedStopwatch(double speed, bool startImmediately = false) explicit
bool isStarted() const
bool isPaused() const
bool isRunning() const
void start()
void pause()
void resume()
void reset()
void restart()
void set(const Duration& in)
void setSpeed(double speed)
double getSpeed() const
int32 d() const
int64 d64() const
double dF() const
int32 h() const
int64 h64() const
double hF() const
int32 min() const
int64 min64() const
double minF() const
int32 s() const
int64 s64() const
double sF() const
int32 ms() const
int64 ms64() const
double msF() const
int64 us() const
int64 us64() const
double usF() const
Duration elapsed() const
String format(const String& in format = "H:mm:ss.xx")
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
- Object Method -
Vec2(const Vec2& in)
Vec2(double x, double y)
Vec2(const Point& in)
Vec2(const Float2& in)
Vec2(const double& in) {double, double}
double elem(size_t) const
bool epsilonEquals(Vec2, double) const
bool hasSameDirection(Vec2) const
bool hasOppositeDirection(Vec2) const
bool isZero() const
bool hasNaN() const
double minComponent() const
double maxComponent() const
void clear()
Vec2& set(double, double)
Vec2& set(Vec2)
Vec2 movedBy(double, double) const
Vec2 movedBy(Vec2) const
Vec2& moveBy(double, double)
Vec2& moveBy(Vec2)
Vec2 clamped(const RectF& in) const
Vec2& clamp(const RectF& in)
double dot(Vec2) const
double cross(Vec2) const
double length() const
double lengthSq() const
double invLength() const
double manhattanLength() const
double manhattanDistanceFrom(double, double) const
double manhattanDistanceFrom(Vec2) const
double distanceFrom(double x, double y) const
double distanceFrom(Vec2) const
double distanceFromSq(double x, double y) const
double distanceFromSq(Vec2) const
Vec2 withLength(double) const
Vec2& setLength(double)
Vec2 limitLength(double) const
Vec2& limitLengthSelf(double)
Vec2 normalized() const
Vec2& normalize()
Vec2 rotated(double) const
Vec2& rotate(double)
Vec2 rotatedAt(Vec2, double) const
Vec2& rotateAt(Vec2, double)
double getAngle() const
double getAngle(Vec2) const
Vec2 getPerpendicularCW() const
Vec2 getPerpendicularCCW() const
Vec2 getMidpoint(Vec2) const
Vec2 projection(Vec2) const
Vec2 getPointByAngleAndDistance(double, double) const
Vec2 lerp(Vec2, double) const
Point asPoint() const
Circle asCircle(double) const
bool intersects(const Point& in) const
bool intersects(const Vec2& in) const
bool intersects(const Line& in) const
bool intersects(const Bezier2& in) const
bool intersects(const Rect& in) const
bool intersects(const RectF& in) const
bool intersects(const Circle& in) const
bool intersects(const Ellipse& in) const
bool intersects(const Triangle& in) const
bool intersects(const Quad& in) const
bool intersects(const RoundRect& in) const
bool intersects(const Polygon& in) const
size_t hash() const
Vec2 xx() const
Vec2 xy() const
Vec2 yx() const
Vec2 yy() const
Vec2 x0() const
Vec2 y0() const
Vec3 xy0() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Vec2 Zero()
Vec2 One()
Vec2 All(double value = 1)
Vec2 UnitX()
Vec2 UnitY()
Vec2 Left(double length = 1)
Vec2 Right(double length = 1)
Vec2 Up(double length = 1)
Vec2 Down(double length = 1)
Vec2 AnchorCenter()
Vec2 AnchorTopLeft()
Vec2 AnchorTopCenter()
Vec2 AnchorTopRight()
Vec2 AnchorRightCenter()
Vec2 AnchorBottomRight()
Vec2 AnchorBottomCenter()
Vec2 AnchorBottomLeft()
Vec2 AnchorLeftCenter()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
double z
- Object Method -
Vec3(const Vec3& in)
Vec3(const Float3& in)
Vec3(double x, double y, double z)
Vec3(const Vec2& in, double)
Vec3(double, const Vec2& in)
Vec3(const double& in) {double, double, double}
double elem(size_t) const
bool epsilonEquals(Vec3, double) const
bool hasSameDirection(Vec3) const
bool hasOppositeDirection(Vec3) const
bool isZero() const
bool hasNaN() const
double minComponent() const
double maxComponent() const
void clear()
Vec3& set(double, double, double)
Vec3& set(Vec3)
Vec3 movedBy(double, double, double) const
Vec3 movedBy(Vec3) const
Vec3& moveBy(double, double, double)
Vec3& moveBy(Vec3)
double dot(Vec3) const
Vec3 cross(Vec3) const
double angleTo(Vec3) const
Vec3 projectOnVector(Vec3) const
Vec3 projectOnPlane(Vec3) const
double length() const
double lengthSq() const
double invLength() const
double manhattanLength() const
double manhattanDistanceFrom(double, double, double) const
double manhattanDistanceFrom(Vec3) const
double distanceFrom(double x, double y, double z) const
double distanceFrom(Vec3) const
double distanceFromSq(double x, double y, double z) const
double distanceFromSq(Vec3) const
Vec3 withLength(double) const
Vec3& setLength(double)
Vec3 limitLength(double) const
Vec3& limitLengthSelf(double)
Vec3 normalized() const
Vec3& normalize()
Vec3 getMidpoint(Vec3) const
Vec3 lerp(Vec3, double) const
size_t hash() const
Vec2 xx() const
Vec2 xy() const
Vec2 xz() const
Vec2 yx() const
Vec2 yy() const
Vec2 yz() const
Vec2 zx() const
Vec2 zy() const
Vec2 zz() const
Vec3 xxx() const
Vec3 xyz() const
Vec3 xzy() const
Vec3 yyy() const
Vec3 yxz() const
Vec3 yzx() const
Vec3 zzz() const
Vec3 zxy() const
Vec3 zyx() const
Vec4 xyz0() const
Vec4 xyz1() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Vec3 Zero()
Vec3 One()
Vec3 All(double value = 1)
Vec3 UnitX()
Vec3 UnitY()
Vec3 UnitZ()
Vec3 Left(double length = 1)
Vec3 Right(double length = 1)
Vec3 Up(double length = 1)
Vec3 Down(double length = 1)
Vec3 Forward(double length = 1)
Vec3 Backward(double length = 1)
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
double x
double y
double z
double w
- Object Method -
Vec4(const Vec4& in)
Vec4(double x, double y, double z, double w)
Vec4(double, double, const Vec2& in)
Vec4(double, const Vec2& in, double)
Vec4(const Vec2& in, double, double)
Vec4(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Vec4(const Vec3& in, double)
Vec4(double, const Vec3& in)
Vec4(const Float4& in)
Vec4(const double& in) {double, double, double, double}
double elem(size_t) const
bool epsilonEquals(Vec4, double) const
bool hasSameDirection(Vec4) const
bool hasOppositeDirection(Vec4) const
bool isZero() const
bool hasNaN() const
double minComponent() const
double maxComponent() const
void clear()
Vec4& set(const Vec2& in, const Vec2& in)
Vec4& set(const Vec2& in, double, double)
Vec4& set(double, const Vec2& in, double)
Vec4& set(double, double, const Vec2& in)
Vec4& set(const Vec3& in, double)
Vec4& set(double, const Vec3& in)
Vec4& set(double, double, double, double)
Vec4& set(Vec4)
Vec4 movedBy(double, double, double, double) const
Vec4 movedBy(Vec4) const
Vec4& moveBy(double, double, double, double)
Vec4& moveBy(Vec4)
double dot(Vec4) const
double length() const
double lengthSq() const
double invLength() const
double manhattanLength() const
double manhattanDistanceFrom(double, double, double, double) const
double manhattanDistanceFrom(Vec4) const
double distanceFrom(double x, double y, double z, double w) const
double distanceFrom(Vec4) const
double distanceFromSq(double x, double y, double z, double w) const
double distanceFromSq(Vec4) const
Vec4 withLength(double) const
Vec4& setLength(double)
Vec4 limitLength(double) const
Vec4& limitLengthSelf(double)
Vec4 normalized() const
Vec4& normalize()
Vec4 getMidpoint(Vec4) const
Vec4 lerp(Vec4, double) const
size_t hash() const
Vec2 xx() const
Vec2 xy() const
Vec2 xz() const
Vec2 xw() const
Vec2 yx() const
Vec2 yy() const
Vec2 yz() const
Vec2 yw() const
Vec2 zx() const
Vec2 zy() const
Vec2 zz() const
Vec2 zw() const
Vec2 wx() const
Vec2 wy() const
Vec2 wz() const
Vec2 ww() const
Vec3 xxx() const
Vec3 xyz() const
Vec3 yyy() const
Vec3 yxz() const
Vec3 yzw() const
Vec3 zzz() const
Vec3 zyx() const
Vec3 www() const
Vec3 wzy() const
Vec4 xyz0() const
Vec4 xyz1() const
Vec4 xyzw() const
Vec4 xxxx() const
Vec4 yyyy() const
Vec4 zzzz() const
Vec4 wwww() const
Vec4 wzyx() const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
Vec4 Zero()
Vec4 One()
Vec4 All(double value = 1)
Vec4 UnitX()
Vec4 UnitY()
Vec4 UnitZ()
Vec4 UnitW()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
VideoTexture(const VideoTexture& in)
VideoTexture(const String& in, bool loop = Loop::Yes, TextureDesc = TextureDesc::Unmipped) explicit
bool isEmpty() const
void release() const
void advance(double deltaTimeSec = Scene::DeltaTime()) const
void reset() const
bool isLoop() const
bool posSec() const
bool lengthSec() const
void setPosSec(double) const
const Texture& getTexture() const
int32 width() const
int32 height() const
Point size() const
bool isMipped() const
Rect region(int32, int32) const
Rect region(Point = Point(0, 0)) const
RectF region(double, double) const
RectF region(Vec2) const
RectF regionAt(double, double) const
RectF regionAt(Vec2) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in, const ColorF& in) const
RectF draw(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF draw(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(double x, double y, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
RectF drawAt(const Vec2& in, const ColorF& in color = Palette::White) const
TextureRegion uv(double, double, double, double) const
TextureRegion uv(const RectF& in) const
TextureRegion mirrored() const
TextureRegion mirrored(bool) const
TextureRegion flipped() const
TextureRegion flipped(bool) const
TextureRegion scaled(double) const
TextureRegion scaled(double, double) const
TextureRegion scaled(Vec2) const
TextureRegion resized(double) const
TextureRegion resized(double, double) const
TextureRegion resized(Vec2) const
TextureRegion repeated(double, double) const
TextureRegion repeated(Vec2) const
TextureRegion mapped(double, double) const
TextureRegion mapped(Vec2) const
TextureRegion fitted(double, double, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TextureRegion fitted(const Vec2& in, bool scaleUp = AllowScaleUp::Yes) const
TexturedQuad rotated(double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(double, double, double) const
TexturedQuad rotatedAt(const Vec2& in, double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double) const
TexturedRoundRect rounded(double, double, double, double, double) const
void swap(VideoTexture& inout)
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
Wave(const Wave& in)
Wave(size_t, Arg::sampleRate_uint32 = (Arg::sampleRate = Wave::DefaultSampleRate)) explicit
Wave(const String& in, AudioFormat format = AudioFormat::Unspecified) explicit
uint32 sampleRate() const
void setSampleRate(uint32)
size_t samples() const
size_t lengthSample() const
double lengthSec() const
void fillZero()
Wave& swapLR()
Wave& removeSilenceFromBeginning()
Wave& removeSilenceFromEnd()
Wave& fadeIn(size_t)
Wave& fadeOut(size_t)
void deinterleave()
bool save(const String& in, AudioFormat format = AudioFormat::Unspecified)
bool saveWithDialog()
void assign(const Wave& in)
void assign(const Array<WaveSample>& in)
WaveSample& at(size_t index)
const WaveSample& at(size_t index) const
void push_front(const WaveSample& in)
void push_back(const WaveSample& in)
void pop_front()
void pop_front_N(size_t)
void pop_back()
void pop_back_N(size_t)
WaveSample& front()
const WaveSample& front() const
WaveSample& back()
const WaveSample& back() const
bool empty() const
bool isEmpty() const
size_t size_bytes() const
size_t size() const
size_t max_size() const
void reserve(size_t)
size_t capacity() const
void shrink_to_fit()
void clear()
void release()
- Global Property -
const uint32 MinSampleRate
const uint32 DefaultSampleRate
const uint32 MaxSamlpeRate
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
float left
float right
- Object Method -
WaveSample(const WaveSample &in)
WaveSample(float) explicit
WaveSample(float, float)
void clear()
WaveSample& set(float)
WaveSample& set(float, float)
WaveSample& set(WaveSample)
void swapChannel()
void lerp(WaveSample, float) const
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
WaveSample FromInt16(int16)
WaveSample FromInt16(int16, int16)
WaveSample Zero()
WaveSample Min()
WaveSample Max()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const Point DefaultClientSize
- Global Function -
void SetTitle(const String& in)
const String& GetTitle()
void SetStyle(WindowStyle)
WindowStyle GetStyle()
void SetPos(const Point& in)
void SetPos(int32, int32)
Point GetPos()
void Centering()
void Maximize()
void Restore()
void Minimize()
bool Resize(Point, bool centering = Centering::Yes)
bool Resize(int32, int32, bool centering = Centering::Yes)
bool ResizeVirtual(Point, bool centering = Centering::Yes)
bool ResizeVirtual(int32, int32, bool centering = Centering::Yes)
bool ResizeActual(Point, bool centering = Centering::Yes)
bool ResizeActual(int32, int32, bool centering = Centering::Yes)
void SetMinimumFrameBufferSize(Point)
void SetFullscreen(bool, size_t monitorIndex = System::GetCurrentMonitorIndex())
void SetToggleFullscreenEnabled(bool enabled)
bool IsToggleFullscreenEnabled()
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -
- Object Property -
- Object Method -
- Global Property -
const bool Yes
const bool No
- Global Function -
- Enum Value -